
I am weirdly pollyannish about Harris/Dem X versus Trump. The "cheapfake/selective video" convo fits better with Harris - bc she makes little news, all people see of her are the wackiest/loopiest quotes. The basic "you lied to us and said Biden could handle it" problem is bigger.
I think the “you lied to us” problem could be put to bed with a “Joe declined” argument. That would work even stronger if he gave her a strong endorsement and said “I’m not up to it, but I trust Kamala.” Would she actually do better? 🤷🏻‍♂️
They could do a condensed debate schedule before the convention with the potential Dems (Harris, Whitmer, Pete, Newsom, etc.), and let the convention nominate someone. Let her earn her spot, if it comes to that.
Imagine being this racist openly. Yikes. The VP gets the slot unless it's someone you don't like, because she's Black.