Aaron Fritschner

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Aaron Fritschner


Hey there, Mr. Blue
We're so pleased to be with you

House guy
DCoS/CD @repdonbeyer.bsky.social
Posts mine/dumb
The Blade Runner/Total Recall/Neuromancer portion of the Republican party platform [capitalization sic]: "Under Republican Leadership, the United States will create a robust Manufacturing Industry in Near Earth Orbit"
Donald Trump’s campaign manager says Larry Hogan “just ended” his campaign by urging respect for the Trump guilty verdict
You could not pay me enough money to do this
MTG: If we don't remove Johnson, Republicans will lose the majority MTG also: and I'd like to see Dems vote for that! Checkmate libs
New statement from House Democratic leadership: "We will vote to table Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Motion to Vacate the Chair. If she invokes the motion, it will not succeed."
The ending of Chotiner's interview with Elliott Abrams is one of the great moments of the genre www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a...
Very funny that Trump is carrying around this stack of papers as a prop and gesturing at them, as though he has or ever would read even one legal document
humble brag but i've been holding donald trump in contempt for years now
NEVER forget: 1) House Rs held this vital Ukraine aid up for 6 months, during which many Ukrainians died - those House Rs have blood on their hands; 2) even today, a majority of House Rs voted no (!); 3) Dems ALL voted yes bluevirginia.us/2024/04/vide... h/t @fritschner.bsky.social
Here have a side-by-side contrast
The list of U.S. Presidents who have presided over the creation of 15 million jobs in a single term: - Joe Biden That's it. That's the list.
From a *process* standpoint MTG's resolution is meaningless, not forcing a vote makes it the legislative equivalent of a post. From a *political* standpoint, she put a loaded gun on the table. It's out there now as a clear threat to Johnson's authority. That has an effect. Boehner quit over this
What need has the Sun God for a tv and movie studio
At least he didn't slip when saying their names!
I gotta post here more. How is everyone doing?
Remember that DOJ sought expedited review of this issue from the Court last year (skipping the circuit courts). They refused and punted it to the DC Circuit, which took months; then dilly dallied all this time after the DC Circuit’s decision, before finally issuing a grant. It’s pretty transparent.
There's a tar maaaaaaaaaaaan Waiting in the tar He'd like to come and eat us But he just got Tasha Yar
Celebrating with the quintessential New Year’s Eve film
"Governor Youngkin believes the richest people in Virginia are paying too much in taxes and the working class are paying too little and has offered a budget to fix this problem" - @fritschner.bsky.social bluevirginia.us/2023/12/vide...
Initial #UIClaims down 9% in week ending 12/9, good news as American workers' job security near record high and Fed easing signals strong labor demand ahead. Continuing claims stable.
I feel like the Rebel Alliance after the second Death Star was destroyed, I might actually listen to Yub Nub
Don’t I remember this asshole and his droogs promising a new health care solution like twice a month for his entire term and never delivering?
Evergreen sentence: "Trump’s campaign is drawing up a health care proposal, although it is unclear when that will be released or if it will propose a full replacement plan."
The 543 word editorial that may have just upended the presidential campaignwww.politico.com The post by Trump calling for Obamacare’s replacement has lit a fire under Biden’s slow burn campaign.