
SCOTUS granted cert to Trump’s immunity appeal after all. Some commentators thought that a delay this long meant we were waiting for dissents from a denial, but nope. (One could argue the court’s delay in deciding was instead an unjustifiable contribution to Trump’s efforts to delay justice.)
Here’s an image with partial alt text—all I could fit.
Remember that DOJ sought expedited review of this issue from the Court last year (skipping the circuit courts). They refused and punted it to the DC Circuit, which took months; then dilly dallied all this time after the DC Circuit’s decision, before finally issuing a grant. It’s pretty transparent.
All Leonard Leo has to do is push the remote electroshock button once.
Not even. Thomas and Alito will violate any constitutional protection to benefit Trump.
For a jet ski and an indulgence?!? You bet.
An ATV and luxury seal clubbing trip? How original, sirs.
The truck at the end of Back to the Future and the powers of the Invisible Man.
Cybertruck and servants in livery? Cheers!
woah. hold on a minute. so will Gorsuch.
geez another fascist who doesnt know where to put his arms whats with that anyway
I saw a recent picture of him. He looks much weirder than this
good fuck his weird ass and his weird arms
This is the *exact* ratfucking I feared from the SCOTUS. The general public won't see or understand how they're helping him. They'll see the headline and think the SCOTUS rejected his arguments, without realizing that they're procedural letting him off the hook.
This was the path they could take to throw him a (very fucking big) bone, without really taking any heat for it. My only hope was that they wouldn't feel like throwing him a bone.
Unfortunately the bone is already in mid air.
There REALLY should be protests outside the court on April 22. Just chant “Trump’s Court” over and over. If we can’t have Justice as least we can make Roberts feel a tiny shred of the shame that he ought to feel
He enters though a secured private entrance. He won't ever hear it. It's a shame.
He arrives and leaves every day! Anyway, Roberts actually hearing the chants would be nice, but what matters is that he and more importantly the rest of the United States would hear ABOUT them. And that he’d know that everyone had heard about it
Nah what is needed is for Biden to declare that the illegitimate conservatives on SCOTUS are adding a known traitor and enemy of the USA and demand they step down or be treated as American hating traitors too.
Do you actually think this is some checkmate move, or are you just playing in fantasy?
The GOP (which basically includes all the FedSoc hacks on the court) have declared they are pro-treason. Just look at all the GOPers who have publicly stated they would NOT have done what Mike Pence did (aka they would have completed the coup). At some point you have to treat traitors as traitors.
?! Now thatwould bea grand finale.
Corporate media would not cover the protest.
Are you kidding me? Corporate media LOVES big protests and conflict on the streets. It's their crack. They even devote a decent amount of time and energy to making protests seem MORE significant than they were!
No. I am not kidding. You must be too YOUNG to remember the LACK of coverage of the nationwide anti-Iraq war protests prior to the US invasion in March 2003 (random capital WORD alert).
Remember, pup, certiorari before judgment is an extraordinary remedy when it's requested by anyone but a Republican administration (state or federal).
Robert’s deserves all the shit he’s going to get in the history books for what this group of legal thugs have done
If only. Remember who writes the history books.
An undergrad professor of mine said winners write history but losers remember it (he may have borrowed the line from someone; I can't recall who). The prospect of being in either camp in relation to history's verdict brings me little comfort, however. (Obviously I'd rather be on the winning side.)
I know that little phrase. Who is it from, Bismarck? But who literally writes the history books/papers is historians. They're going to dismember all the institutions that helped Trump. From Congress to the courts. It's going to be beautiful. But it's going to take a while to happen.
I think it was Churchill. And I wish I could share your optimism.
It all depends on who survives this.
Jeffrey Toobin wrote about Rudy Giuliani: “At one point, I asked Giuliani whether he worried about how this chapter of his life would affect his legacy. ‘I don't care about my legacy,’ he told me. ‘I'll be dead.’” I expect that Roberts feels the same.
I don’t know, part of the reason these justices pass up on the obscene wealth they can make in the private sector is so they can leave a legal legacy
But they don’t care who will hate them for it.
Notice they can act urgently when they want to
Eh, in the Colo. 14A§3 case, they went from op. below on Dec. 19, 2023 to petition on Jan. 3, 2024 to grant on Jan. 5 to oral arg. on Feb. 8 In this matter, we went from DC Cir. panel ruling on Feb. 6 to stay app. on Feb. 12, to grant today, with oral arg. on late Apr. Won't decide til June or July
The one case I had that made it all the way up there was filed in district court the Thursday before the 2004 federal election, and we got a chambers opinion late Monday.
I think about process stuff a lot... My spouse specializes in post-conviction resentencing litigation, and the amount of delays she deals with are truly crazy. She'll *win* a case and the client still won't get out until the warden lets them out a month later
I think like once per day about how a French citizen punched Emmanuel Macron in the face, and all within 48 hours was arrested, charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced to 4 months in jail
Fascism isn’t just the spectacle of a nation raining bombs down on dark skinned people. It’s also the hidden drudgery of a nation very slowly grinding dark skinned people to death in the machines of bureaucracy!
They heard a case that had never been heard in court before!!! I mean, they can be Usain Bolt when it helps their owners.
Reminder that Bush V Gore was filed and settled on a scale of days, 12/8: FL Supreme Court orders Recount 12/9: Supreme Court orders the stay 12/11: Oral Arguments 12/12: Verdict “Irreparable Harm” is only for conservatives, not the rest of us.
headed for a decision by the last day of term. or if they *really* want to insult us, they'll wait to the last day of the term and then DIG it.
If they DIG it the mandate issues immediately. If they issue an opinion it takes time, allowing further delay.
Is it cynical of me to imagine that after our esteemed justice system spends 9 months deciding whether Trumps “I am King, actually” argument has merit, that he will find a way to file another meritless interlocutory appeal, which will be similarly indulged?
Cynical, but entirely justified.