Evil Count Erudite

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Evil Count Erudite


He/Him. Middle-aged white neurodivergent cishet Canadian male. Highly educated but forever lowering the bar.

"Opinions are like orgasms: everyone has them, but mine actually matter."
Fair point, but: a) pretzels are too good for them, but I will accept slightly-undercooked bagels.
b) there is an element of warning involved in it being undeniably assassination. I rather think it would only take one or two SCOTUS members being drug into the street and torn apart by angry mobs for the rest to retire or quit the nonsense. Still, I'll take what I can get.
And, if you're talking "morals," then you should know I *actually* want them renditioned by the CIA and relocated to a concentration camp in the Antarctic, where they will be stripped naked and sprayed with water hourly until they experience the same death to which they would condemn the homeless.
I can confirm that I want many, many people assassinated and I consider it a tremendous moral and strategic failing that the American left would rather die adhering to "principles" born of pro-fascist propaganda than fight for the future.
I will never forget the interview, shortly after Ozy Media Inc. was formed, where Carlos Watson said he named it after the poem, because "the lesson you take from [Ozymandias] is that you have to dream big." So that's why liberal arts education is important.
Oh, heck yeah. I may have mentioned this before, but they were doing discovery on an estate where five siblings were fighting the sixth, who had forged the dumbest forgery ever after the seventh had died, and it hadn't been settled four years later when I quit.
I've seen it by lawyers who had a solid case but were stupid enough to botch it anyway. My boss once had a case where we were suing to get a man's ex and children to give our client, his partner for the decade preceding his death, what he left her in the will.
The will was super-solid--the ex's lawyer was just an old family friend and pulling some nonsense. My boss was *so proud* when he got her, like, half of what the will said. What a goober.
And this was a man who--despite never winning a case to my knowledge--routinely used the "c-word" to describe women with thr temerity to become lawyers.
"You're not welcome here" is such an insult to dipshit liberals arrogant enough to think they belong everywhere, or that they have anything to contribute to the fight for justice. Wake tf up. You are the problem. No one wants you on their side. We want you to stfu and go away until you grow tf up.
As much as I enjoy being snide and condescending, I also have witnessed enough lawyer dumbfuckery to know that the second they go in that direction is the second when they've missed whatever is going to cost them the case.
I just keep going back to every single true crime documentary about the '70s to '90s involving some variation of "if the cops hadn't been [lazy, incompetent, corrupt], they might have noticed the man who asked to use their bathroom to wash his severed head collection had a spot of blood on his tie"
I have spent the better part of my life convinced I could absolutely get away with murder, and I believed what I saw on cop shows for most of that time. Now, between cop laziness and my white male privilege, I'm pretty sure a notarized written confession wouldn't end with capture.
And if the bar is going to be set that low, what's the point? I always dreamt of being a Batman villain, not Otis in the Mayberry drunk tank.
Is it wrong that my first impulse is to get me some contraband to hide in my house?
Not sure there could be a better veep to align with my (admittedly conspiracy-theory-ish) explanation of two scenarios I expect the GOP has in mind, posted earlier on the day of his announcement. Coincidence? Yes. I have no inner knowledge, just training and extrapolation. I hate being right.
It's great that we're able to joke about what is, frankly, fairly obvious narrative-creation in the making. Why, before AND AFTER we had evidence of who and what the shooter was, is the narrative advanced by Republicans that this is the Democrats' fault?
I never treated Trump as a joke because he was *the* culmination of a campaign strategy the GOP has employed in all but two elections since 1977--and those two (1988 and 2008) they were trying to throw (and the Democrats were so stupid they still lost one of them).
What happened in 1977? A book called "The American Monomyth" was published, examining certain narrative consistencies in American pop culture that suggest an underlying--whether intentional or not (it's the former)--advocation of fascism under a mask of "liberty."
In particular, Western films and other tales of the Wild West tended to uncritically promote the hero-as-saviour trope, likening Clint Eastwood or John Wayne to Christ--and thus all the thieving, raping, and murder they do is not just excused by their saving the community, but *integral* to it.
Townsfolk who question the hero's right to steal, rape, and murder are rejected by the text as traitors--or apostates--who must be saved in spite of themselves, as the hero swaggers off to Do What Needs To Be Done(TM)--which means stealing and murdering to end the threat of the Bad Guy(TM).
There's more to it than that--and it's changed (worsened) since then--but that should be enough for you to see that the next GOP candidate being a cognitively-deficient movie cowboy threatening to nuke Iran for a hostage crisis the GOP colluded to create wasn't a coincidence.
Trump--bizarrely--in no way fits the actual archetype that the GOP has ridden into office over and over again... and yet they still made it work. His followers still see this fatass incompetent rich kid as John McClane, but moreso.
JD Vance is an actual former marine. He is a wingnut that traditional Republicans can get behind. He is dangerous. Whether the plan is take Trump out as a Reichstag Fire moment or for him to step aside for the young blood, Vance is a hugely-dangerous choice and the left needs to take it seriously.
So he doubled-down and started enacting straight-up fascist shit--but didn't *use* it, making it appear benign--and earning as much hate as possible. Then he let the party take him out and replace him with a *previously-unelectable* batshit racist moron. And because she wasn't him, she won.
And she has pulled more fascist bullshit and done more harm to this province than *any other politician in history*--but she's not The Scapegoat, so she hasn't lost the mindless, shitkicking, illiterate, inbred rural vote that put her in office. And that is a tactic that should *terrify* Americans.
Because it begs a *new* question--why, despite *all* the reasons it makes no sense that have been raised, are all the conservative-run media outlets still harping on about Biden dropping out? Why are they framing the decision to stay in as selfish and power-mad?
Last question: what happens if Trump, citing stress and ill health, possibly stemming from attempts on his life, pulls out late in the game? He's selfless. Just wants what's best for AMERICA(TM). He's sacrificing his dream and endorsing someone young and fearless enough to GET THE JOB DONE.
Seriously, folks: I know this all feels wingnut-ty but the last month of SCOTUS decisions would have a month before they came down as well. I graduated from one of the top grad programs that Koch/GOP propaganda thinktanks recruit from. We're THE best.
And, if I were a little sleazier than I am, I would be running one of those departments by now. Instead, I've got (I assume) active CSIS, FBI, and CIA files for some of the shit I've said in publuc, so no big payday for me.
Point being: I tend to be a *little* more willing to presume insanity than most. But that's why I'm so often right.