
It won't go anywhere but at least someone is trying to do something. I hope she follows through and actually files the articles of impeachment.
Yeah. There’s a rankling performative element to it that others have alluded to, but I also increasingly have come to realize that like …. A lot of people may not even know you CAN impeach a justice. There’s value in helping to start a conversation, even if an outcome is short term doomed
I definitely didn't know it was an option! The closest I've heard is John Oliver trying to get Thomas to quit by offering him a fancy camper - $1 million (which Thomas regrettably didn't take).
I have really mixed feelings about RVs. Like I want to own one but as a rule don’t like people who do lol Given decent WiFi my preference would be to live in a cave under a rock sealed inside a bunker on the moon
for the love of god don’t buy an RV, they may be the singular worst consumer good there is. they are always breaking because none of the parts involved in making them are specialized. in some cases, they’re held together with cheap glue. we rented RVs twice for road trips & they ate shit both times
I could barely afford buying a 2015 Nissan Versa. An RV is most definitely out of my league πŸ˜‚