cook daddy

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cook daddy

Cis het man; I do what I can. Not online enough to know what all skeeter drama is about; still too online.

Socially progressive, fiscally left of center. YIMBY. Into economics, politics, video games (mostly Nintendo), and dad jokes. Vote blue
Just astounding shit from SCOTUS
Sounds like it's contested and that for some reason the government wants to lump civilians and militants together in the casualty numbers rather than put a number to civilian casualties. Also, you should be a fan of this. Anti drone praxis, and against a group that cares even less about civilians
We'll lose abortion? We should make sure Trump doesn't get to appoint anyone to SCOTUS cuz then you'll be right. Oh wait, that happened? Damn, I guess Biden is at fault then? Oh, and gun violence is going down? And the feds are fighting anti trans laws?
Thank you for posting this. Not only was the hospital not hit, like I said, but also your claim in your original skeet that the analysis showed the IDF and not Hamas did the close explosion is also proven wrong here.
Avatar here is context for morons like you that might think that somehow this skeet proves Isreal hit a hospital (when the hospital wasn't even hit). This is the skeet Peter deleted that I was quoting. Wow
This was the quoted skeet. He deleted as stated below. What do you think it says that I didn't mean to say?
deleted a post that definitively stated that Israel bombed the hospital due to my unparalleled amount of extremely high integrity
This guy did it wrong. You're supposed to only include that second tweet, so that it looks like the shit head PM is saying that all of Palestine is evil, rather than just Hamas.
Important context for why Hamas might not be following the smartest strategy
I wonder why Tara Reade thinks women regularly make up SA allegations 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
I mean tbf, y'all missing a key part of my skeet. And also tbf, I'm pro inheritance tax.
End of feed.