its jae

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its jae

Change two rats into guys? Whatever!

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Hey sorry I can’t make it to your house show tonight I gave myself food poisoning on purpose.
You gotta get your thetan levels down!!! You’re gonna theburn!!
Fairrrr well I’m about this week / weekend!! Do you got my telegram
Wait what the fuck!!! How long are you here!!!! Come to Pony karaoke tonight
Homosexuality, mostly
Teenage Dream - Kate Perry :)
Bro your thetan levels are fucked
Translating gay bar graffiti
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The man-cave from the 90's with As fans of Akira Toriyama, this was a special project to take on. Thanks for letting me make your lowpoly dreams come true! I look forward to working with you again in the future. Until then!
looks like they already deleted/deactivated after having made the account 19 minutes ago?? jesus
they like never even tell you how it ends!! like whats the point!!! do they stop the bad guy or not? i cant handle this ambiguity it causes me to break out into sweats after i stress eat a six pack of oscar meyer hot dogs (uncooked)
VIDEO GAME NPC: All hallow, fair one. I a'fear you've arrived late. If you want the Amulet of +5% HP, you'll have to pry it from mine dead claws! ME: (immediately circle strafing off cliff & before the falling animation even loads frame one opening the Steam Deck menu & hitting Shut Down)
Francis Ford Coppola lived 100 years ago he can't relate to today's modern problems like what if the Harry Potter gang was working in a coffee shop in my hometown instead of being wizards? Except Ron was also secretly a Swamp Thing still? And Draco Malfoy was the bad boy shift manager...
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Whenever I make a bad decision I like to shake / slam my head around a lot to fuck with the homunculus who lives in there lol like get back at him haha (face going slack) (deadly serious) oh shit do you have any trepanning gear I forgot to give him air holes
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Why do these always say this when I plug them in?
Just a gentle little reminder that so-called "classic films" are often boring, black & white, don't have any sexy nonbinary lesbian AU versions of Edward Cullen or Kylo Ren, and hardly EVER use the enemies-to-lovers trope. You don't have to feel pressured to watch them just because they're "good"!
getting a voicemail from my bank and it just says "there is flesh beneath the soil" ??
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[experiencing Fear] this joy feels weird
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Drawing for from the past weekend's PWYW stream. Outfit is based on a look from the Palomo Spring '22 collection.
i move through the world openhearted and willing to see people at their strangest and some folks want to absolutely kill me for it but the trick works all the same so really? they just hate themselves....
like what did they mean by that
when friends ask what im singing at the gay bar karaoke & i gotta pretend like its not flavor of the weak by american hifi
i once managed to chain a guy into like repeatedly telling me embarrassing things about himself because i responded to him with his username, which was TinyTrumpPics
Wow that's so (already has opened a cold open DM with him) crazy
Ok so they're friends? But they're like-- smiling? Weirdddddd ok. So which one gets fucked?
No joke the first time I went to a trans night at one of the Bay Area bathhouses I got distracted talking about the political theory of the architecture based on some queer research I had read and I never have more realized oh right I’m a little bit Like This then when I recognized oh right the sex,
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The photo of Ghislaine Maxwell with Elon Musk was taken at the very same Oscars party referenced in Donald Trump’s infamous “bad food restaurants” tweet.
We prison broke out of Rikers…. But now….. we have to prison break out of Dante’s Inferno
22 Y/O TRANS WOMAN WITH 300 FOLLOWERS: my bf just did the cutesttttt face while asking me for teh sexy time :3 I said no 💖 THE MOST PSYCHOSEXUALLY STARVED MISSING STAIR CIS LESBIAN IN ALL THE WOMENS COLLEGE: Wow.. they really think we’re walking misogynistic stereotypes… full moid death now
I forgot that show….. did they ever break out