
as much as i think that debate was bad for biden i also find myself contemptuous of the assorted libs having a full blown panic attack
I have been using words which are much less kind about them. It's a disgraceful spectacle.
It's like they've never seen an election before. Elections are close and scary sometimes! Grow up! This kind of public bed wetting just makes you (and the candidate) look weak. Don't do it.
He is weak, and no amount of posturing is gonna change that. I'm probably older than you.
I mean "weak" is a relative (and subjective) thing. You could imagine a better candidate, sure. But you don't get to make your imaginary candidate magically appear. And if Biden is "weak" his opponent is dramatically weaker.
The point is that the situation is what it is; the relevant decisions were made years ago. Now we have to deal with the election we have not the election we want. And we all KNOW what needs to be done, we just need to do it.
And yes, a part of what we need to do, collectively, is not put weak and defeatist energy out there where people can see it. A lot of Democrats, professional and otherwise, are failing that very simple task this evening.
That's not a task you get to lay on others. Those of us who have pointed out Dem strategy problems for a long time are always being told to shut up for the sake of cohesion, and that shushing has culminated in a presidential candidate crashing and burning on live TV this evening.
Sounds like it's more about you saying "I told you so" than realistically assessing damage 4 months before the election. Freaking out about a bad debate is pointless. It's not like the opponent looked good - he rambled conspiracy theories and outright lied every time he spoke!
I did tell people so, and seeing a problem well in advance makes me better at assessing its impact in the present. Trump's BS is entirely on brand for him. His supporters love it, everyone else is used to it. He won by looking energetic, which counts for more than substance with many voters.
If Biden had been able to debate with the same energy he showed in 2020 or the last SOTU, he'd have won this evening. He's got good policies, he understands policy better, he's much more likeable. He had good moments, but they're sprinkled in among many awful ones, particularly his very first Q.
Losing one evening is not the same is losing an election. What does your freakout accomplish? Time will tell. More things will happen. We are not voting tomorrow.
It's not as simple as losing the debate. I've mentioned several times taht Biden was far better on policy, decency, integrity, and general sanity. But he can't erase the bad impression of just completely losing his train of thought mid stream. Sadly it's a 'time to give up the car keys' moment.
Nonzero chance Trump’s wearing an orange jumpsuit in a cell at Rikers in 2 weeks!
“makes you better”? That you can’t even take credit for having been right (allegedly) (once) coherently undermines your claim to expertise.
Weird main character syndrome thing you have going on here tbh.
Crashing and burning - stfu you utter dunce
So question - a man stumbles on his words, looks like an old man on TV (surprise, he is) that makes him mentally incompetent? I mean, it was a mess at best, I'm still WTHing, but stumbling in your speech or misspeaking does not + weak minded. If so, they we're all weak minded. Get what I'm saying?