
The New York Times has shifted into a full-time ratfucking operation. I'm sorry, but if you're still going along with the bullshit they're feeding you, that's a choice you yourself are making.
Breaking News: A Parkinson’s expert visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, according to official visitor logs. The administration has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease.
Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight The White House has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease and that there has been no reason to update the most recent testing, conducted in February.
If anything, this should prove once and for all that the Politics Knowers: 1. know nothing 2. are not interested in the truth 3. do not realize just how much they've overplayed their hand. and most importantly 4. were never actually interested in Biden's Mental Health.
Wonder why the White House would have a Parkinson's expert visiting over the last year. Very suspicious stuff
The ghouls and ratfuckers in the media can't seem to decide if the concerns around Biden are: A) he's just too old but otherwise in good health B) he's going senile/his mind is going C) he's got a neurological disorder that doesn't actually affect mental acuity
There's also the "I think his decline is very serious" vs "well I know he's fine but, you know, VOTERS won't" dance you can do.
As an aside the NYT Spelling Bee does not accept "motte" as a word and I will Die Mad about it.
I feel like the latter is really what’s driving all of this. And ya know silver lining, the freak out just shows how many people are acutely aware of the stakes in Nov. But shitting our collective pants in July isn’t really helping anything. It’s hurting by putting us at each others throats.