Karen C

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Karen C


Embroidery machines are 3D printers; fight me.

Sorry if I blocked you, mute doesn't quite work. (Unless you use so-called AI, then I'm not sorry.)

South Jersey, she/her
When we moved there from Wichita it was moving from a blue area of a red state to a red area of a blue state. People were Big Mad about gummint/taxes while we were just "they plow our streets? pick up our trash? THIS IS AMAZING." And this was the view out the kitchen window. 1.5mi to the next house.
Did anybody else's church, in the late 80's, obsess over Rev 13:3 and Gorbachev's birthmark, or was that just the oddball independent-Baptist one my folks were into at the time? (no *particular* reason this came to mind the last couple days...)
Ah, I see Paul is fixing the "too many notifications for big accounts" issue by federating them to other accounts. Good thinking.
This is the inlet of the pond, where the beavers are (the other end of the pond is a dam, but man-made). The trail around the pond is less than a mile, well-traveled, and even with all the people-traffic (it's a picnic area) it is absolutely packed with wildlife, plant and animal.
I posted the panorama but not, I guess, the regular picture. The New Jersey Pine Barrens, folks. (We lived on the edge of this woods when we first moved here. Not gonna lie, I miss it a lot.)
Okay, here are my best moth pics. None of them great, but I was there for the experience, not for the 'gram.
Google Lens *assures* me this is a very edible golden reishi but I assure you I wasn't gonna eat it on that evidence.
One optimistic soul pointed their camera into the dark trees right above us where the whippoorwill was whooping and took a flash photo, but I went for a more sure-fire record of it.
My phone straight-up went "I can't give you a good picture of that frog so I'm going to make you a cool artsy painting instead." (view large)
I got some better-ish pictures, but I really wasn't there for Great Photography (my phone is bad at low-light).
The moth pictures will be tomorrow when I have time to ID them. I have showered off the sweat and insecticide and am gonna collapse into bed.
Although it rained recently, the mushrooms were not as good as expected, but there was a pretty good one.
I have achieved my goal: seen carnivorous plants in the wild.
Just... in general, I guess? (We did not.)
I was gonna suggest a Chala but they're really not smol (they're as smol as they can be and fit all the crap *I* have) and maybe too femme even with the wrist strap off. Also faux leather, which probably still counts. ... okay that was probably not actually helpful at all. But it's not black!
Just learned they have a credit-card wallet style although the fox is a bit disappointing compared to some of the other critters.
Wore my new t-short out in public and was like hmmm, do I really want to be confrontational but the person at the walk up restaurant window immediately went "I love your shirt! As seen on David Tennant!" so I gotta remind myself it's more *for* people than against them.
BRING BACK "YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND IN PENNSYLVANIA"! (also the black-on-yellow New Jersey plates mostly make me miss the Kansas "buffy" plate, though that one was vanity-only) (I almost got one anyway but they wouldn't let me just get my regular plate number in it, so analysis-paralysis it was.)
I softened it a little but yeah, I 100% went there with the corruption thing. (yes, if I could make phone calls without an anxiety attack I would've, email is what I can do)
It'll probably be bad if I begin my call with "I know Norcross is basically pro-corruption, but..." right? Because I may not be able to resist.
Rep. Donald Norcross [D, NJ-1]: "The U.S. Supreme Court was established to uphold our most sacred constitutional rights, and no bad actors – either internal or external – should undermine its ability to pursue justice." Internal or external, my sweet patootie. Primarying this clown in 2026.
The good news: confirmed that the borer is just a Rustic Borer, and chucked it outside toward the neighbor's oaks whence it presumably came. The bad news: tried to pick up a piece of lint in the light box and it ran away. NOOOOO not carpet beetles! I am directly below the wool living room rug. 😒
I normally go by Mrs. but the fact that I don't have any choice but to? 😒 (Oh wait, 🔧. Yep, validation is entirely browser-side. AHAHAHAHA yeah gonna resist the temptation to style myself "Rep.")
Heard more scratching sounds and thought great, another beetle but no, it was the sound of tiny bird claws scraping the windowsill as they panted and tried to figure out how to get into the air conditioning (current heat index: 102). BRB, putting out a pan of water.
Trying to determine whether this critter (which plummeted from the joists in the basement) is just a wayward outdoors borer escaping the heat, or something I have to worry about like an Old House Borer. But it is just *comically* hyperactive and hard to get a good look at.
The sew*ng feeds end up with a few too many cookie tins (so I'm not contributing) but I inherited a lot of them with a lot of different supplies in them. This one comes from a bakery whose only explanation is "depicts a snowy Christmas landscape, a Texas cowboy, and the Alamo" but 🤷
In hindsight, I should have put it on vertically.