Karen C

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Karen C


Embroidery machines are 3D printers; fight me.

Sorry if I blocked you, mute doesn't quite work. (Unless you use so-called AI, then I'm not sorry.)

South Jersey, she/her
It was fairly low to the horizon but yeah, at least when they launch shallow-trajectory sounding rockets. Being north of AC's lights was a bit of a mistake but Brig was only like twenty minutes from our place then.
OH THAT REMINDS ME: it is absolutely a shoobie thing but if you're on Cape May, take the Thunder Cat dolphin boat. It goes up to Stone Harbor and back and dolphins leap in and out of the wake almost the whole way and it is magical.
We went out to North Brigantine Beach to watch a sounding rocket launch from Wallops once. Aside from the rocket (v cool) it was a new experience being on a pitch dark beach and we got to see a full moon rise over the ocean.
With the caveat that I haven't lived there in almost a decade(! how?), if When Pigs Fly is still around they do good ribs. ISTR Jetman retired but Jet was the first place I had real pit BBQ, hands down best brisket. Delano BBQ, for pulled pork. Hog Wild... is consistent, I'll give 'em that.
If you visit Kansas, Wichita is the place to go. Wichita is where KC style battles Texas style and everybody wins. Also some great Lebanese food. N&J's is the traditional fave, famous for being where Harrison Ford visits when in town for (clearly inadequate) pilot training.
Also the Sedgwick County Zoo is world class, despite the name. (County and city are separate governments and that zoo is county's *pride*, they will not let that name be changed. 😆)
First couple years we lived in Jersey was just inland of AC and, uh, we pretty much never went there. Parking was a hassle. Ate at a hole in the wall Jamaican place off the tourist strip once, and someplace I forget in the shadow of the Taj not long before Hilary gave a speech there.
Okay, okay, but that's still Central Jersey.
Harrumph. That's all North Jersey. I am in very definitively South Jersey. Bo Ne Restaurant, La Tentacion, Amma's Indian, El Toque's mofongo... 🤤
Woodbury, New Jersey. Part of Greater Philadelphia but if I limit it to just my specific (tiny) city: the Nerd Mall, which includes a retro arcade and an Art-o-Mat and stuff. More of a Nerd Flea Market tbh but it's Jersey so, "Mall" it is.
The place I'm most likely to see those is in a doctor's waiting room and I'm like "oh, this is why they're always behind. We get assigned at least four extra things to Ask Your Doctor About before we get to the exam room."
OH! I have another one. When you fall asleep, your senses don't all shut off at the same time. Hearing, IIRC, goes first or second. As a kid on long sleepy car rides I used to wonder why the road noise phased in and out and it was because *listening* for it made me wake back up when it happened.
Most ducks don't quack. It's almost exclusively a mallard thing, and because almost all domestic ducks are mallard-descended, that's the call we have heard the most. And even male mallards don't really quack unless they're yelling. Their conversational sound is more of, well, a fart noise.
John Kearney, "Two Steers," 1978. bsky.app/profile/game... (John was clearly not a farm boy.)
Definitely the best angle. Although I guess nowadays the native prairie grass landscaping probably obscures certain bumpers.
Also: spouse went out in the heat to get these. We've been married over three decades so it should go without saying that he's a keeper.
PSA: if your banh mi joint sources its peppers locally, and there's been a heat wave, they will be just absurdly hot. I think there were three little slices on the whole hoagie and 🔥🥵🔥
PSA: if your banh mi joint sources its peppers locally, and there's been a heat wave, they will be just absurdly hot. I think there were three little slices on the whole hoagie and 🔥🥵🔥
Enn jay dot com is tracking people down on Instagram where they've posted this, saying "it's not cool to grab images without asking" and I'm not sure if they're doing a bit or what.
According to the weather map on nj.com, gonna be hot as balls:
I complained on Facebook (my biz is there, I'm not) that it kept choking on my videos and they removed it as "spam" in case you wonder how it's going there. (They won't show me the whole message so I don't remember if I said anything about other platforms, but FB/IG is the only place I post video.)
I bought the 400e (8x8) used and had no idea it came with an extension table. 550e (8x8/8x14) new had an extension table which actually fits on the lifter (which is pretty beefy, and big enough to park a desktop PC on) and it's a real game-changer. I don't do stuff that hangs outside the hoop tho.
The Brother I started with was a lefthander, so the hoop never hung off the flatbed. The Janome's arm is on the inside and the 8x8 hoop on the 400e kinda flailed in midair when it was working in the extreme right of the stitch field. I just thought that was how it worked. 😆
Related: every time I look at Streetview at night I'm like "why is it daylight there?!"
(dang, having a "night mode" for Streetview would actually be pretty nice - if I want to pre-drive a trip I'm taking at night, knowing what lights to look for would be handy!)
Reposted byAvatar Karen C
One last photo shoot with the prototype shark before it goes to a new home. (If you text that number, bear in mind that it assumes you've gotten it from street art in Philly, and have texted it on the spot. Otherwise you may be confused about the references to seeing rowhomes and stuff.)
You're welcome! We didn't (1) realize it had gotten that late (other kid was texting us like "uh... are you picking me up?") or (2) expect the light trap out in the woods to be so far so we didn't bring it out with us. (I left my phone unattended while we went "let's just go check it out." 😆)
The MC550e is on a standing-desk riser. Little spring-loaded guy that brings it up a foot off the table. You know: designed for just a keyboard and flat-screen monitor and not a jackhammering twelve-pound machine. There's one of these out in the garage for it when I get rearranged though.
Universal Tool Standwww.harborfreight.com
@sarahmackattack.bsky.social We left the borrowed headlamp at the picnic-area light trap - you did find it, right?
When we moved there from Wichita it was moving from a blue area of a red state to a red area of a blue state. People were Big Mad about gummint/taxes while we were just "they plow our streets? pick up our trash? THIS IS AMAZING." And this was the view out the kitchen window. 1.5mi to the next house.
Granted, the other direction had no windows because it was a townhouse on the edge of a giant apartment complex. But still, it's a very thinly populated area with a lot of Typical Smalltown/Rural Whites.