
When Twitch screened EVERY episode of Doctor Who, I expected young viewers to hate the old eps. Instead I got to watch as they applied modern fan stuff and started SHIPPING THE HELL out of Ian and Barbara in chat. It was wonderful. A testament to how Russell's performance, aptly, transcended time.
I’d shipped them from the first time I read The Crusaders in about 1982, tbh.
Yes, and David Whitaker's very first Dalek novel basically treats Barbara as Ian's love interest. (Not in a great way, as on screen half the appeal of shipping them is that she is awesome too!)
Yep. Babs is my, and his, queen! I did an essay about Barbara and Ian in one of the Chicks Dig Timelords books from Mad Norwegian which was very much about their crucial role in establishing the show.
It was literally only this year that I discovered they were not in fact a couple. I'd been assuming that since I was a kid seeing reruns.
They are surely? There is definitely a very post coital vibe in a lot of their scenes together. The Romans especially.
Please translate "shipping the hell" for those without a domestic teenager.
Oh gawd. Found an explanation in a 10 year old reddit post.
It’s even older than that 😂
The practice goes back further than that with Spock/Kirk often being citing. But the whole concept of fan fiction can be found in Don Quixote with the Don debating stories with friends and wanting to write more adventures for his favourite knights at the start.
Except from Don Quixote: translated by Edith Grossman. Tell me that's not fantom writ in 1605
I think Spock/Kirk is the origin for slash, but not ships. There was a debate at the time whether Mulder/Scully was slash or not, given it was het but had the same level of textual support as S/K. I'm sure or one of her colleagues has more about ship's emergence from slash.
So S/K (and Bodie/Doyle and many others) slash existed first, and are also ships, but the term ship emerged from that mid-90s debate around whether a het relationship being read into two characters was slash or not.
Yeah shipping as a term aka the verb 'to ship' was coined in the 90s but people were doing it waay earlier (and calling stories about it slash when it wasn't het)
He was such a lovely actor to watch…
I so hope somewhere someone has a copy of that chat stream it was beautiful.
Can you ship people that are clearly a couple? Even if they aren't explicitly in the pilot, by The Romans, they are definitely snagging.