
Sunak is a perfect example of my regular point "putting incredibly rich, pampered people in charge of anything is a terrible idea" Whatever your motivation, evidence suggests if you never experience hardship or struggle, you don't recognise it in others. So, it doesn't factor into your decisions
Imagine managing to engineer a BBC front page like, this when you're the incumbent government, during an election campaign. How is it even possible? HOW?!
Particularly riled at the moment by politicians who are privileged enough not to experience any regular fear, deliberately trying to inspire it in others (e.g. migrants, tax, access to healthcare etc.). They have no right.
He has never faced either consequences or jeopardy, and it shows
Precisely Being part of a system which seems actively hostile to anyone privileged experiencing any punishment or loss of status (presumably because they really don't want to set that precedent) just cements it further.
He comes across as a compulsive liar as well as a spoilt rich kid!
I disagree. I'm sure they know perfectly well what it's like, they just don't care. Unfortunately it's a feature of all the main parties.
The man truly does not have a single clue. I'd love to take him for a week around Grimsby, Stoke-On-Trent, Warrington, so many places that have been left completely out of whatever his "vision" of England might be.
Someone shat himself when he saw the optics. None of this is natural.
In defence, I almost did too. With laughter admittedly, but still. The outcome is the same