Dr Dean Burnett

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Dr Dean Burnett


Neuroscientist, author, science communicator/pundit, former psychiatry lecturer, occasional wit, frazzled parent, balding
"England edging though on penalties shows just how fragile Starmer's victory is." There, I've posted it now. Whichever ridiculous hack is currently typing it up for the Sunday editions as we speak, you can't have it. It's mine.
Given how the entire UK seems both exhausted and needlessly convoluted these days, it's actually weird to think that the Government currently at work, taking questions and holding meetings and announcing policies etc., was decided YESTERDAY MORNING!
As of today, I can now add "Once explained mental health issues to the Foreign Secretary" to my CV. What a baffling existence this is.
Fourth of 5 Prime Ministers in 8 years Shortest ever term as PM PM who oversaw the Queen's funeral First former PM to lose seat since 1935 Produced biggest ever Tory to Labour swing in an election I sort of begrudgingly admire Liz Truss's efforts to achieve immortality via pub quiz questions
One overlooked issue with all these Tory losses is that the Daily Telegraph is going to end up being thicker than a phone book with so many new columnists
Theory: Liz Truss is a time traveller, sent back to change the past to benefit her evil clan. It was working, but then she accidentally killed the Queen, and now her timeline doesn't exist. Would explain the malicious cluelessness, and zero understanding of how people work
If Tory election ads are to be believed, now starts several years of a pvc-clad Angela Rayner appearing in our bedrooms and giving us all a damn good spanking while raising taxes until we scream the safe word Or something? Got a bit confusing towards the end tbh #Election2024
Prediction If Labour win 400+ seats but Ref*rm win about 7, we'll be bombarded with articles about how Labour still haven't 'sealed the deal' by people who insisted that 52% of the vote is an overwhelming majority that gives you a blank cheque to do whatever batshittery you like
"Take up running", they said "It's good for your mental and physical wellbeing" they said vm.tiktok.com/ZGesfP4e3/
TikTok - Make Your Dayvm.tiktok.com
Just under a week before we begin several years of numerous people trying to convince us that 'The will of the people' actually isn't anywhere near as important as they may have previously suggested
They should hold a straight pride parade on International Men's Day. That would be an efficient way to answer a lot of questions.
For some reason, The Idiot Brain, my debut book from 7 years ago at this point, is currently an Amazon bestseller (in audiobook form). This has happened with bizarre irregularity since it's publication and it's equal parts appreciated and baffling. amzn.eu/d/05rPAfM3
Why does this thing exist? (Podcast) Episode 103: "You are the vibe" (with Michael McCann) shows.acast.com/why-does-thi... Regular guest Mike returns to help our heroes tackle impractical pub furniture, horrifying fashion items, and deeply unsettling US contests #Podcast #Funny #Bible
Episode 103: "You are the vibe" (with Michael McCann) | Why does this thing exist? (Podcast)shows.acast.com
Also, Wim Hof looks like what you'd get if Santa Clause was a big Joe Rogan fan.
"No it doesn't", says all known medical science, and pretty much everyone who has to deal with health issues, physical and mental, on a regular basis
Can hear the neighbour's teenage boys in the garden while I work. Not sure what they're up to, but one just said to the other "If you die, it's not my fault", so I'm guessing it could be classed as 'unwise'.
"No it doesn't", says all known medical science, and pretty much everyone who has to deal with health issues, physical and mental, on a regular basis
@aptshadow.bsky.social Just finished Alien Clay. Brilliant, as ever. But, with regards to the passage where the first Kiln alien invades the camp, I find it oddly reassuring that you're continuing your one man campaign against arachnophobic sci-fi fans
I'm not sure people will like having to wait 3-5 years for answers to their queries, but hey ho
I watched a YouTube video a while ago and now the people who made it keep sending me werewolves in the mail I really shouldn't have clicked Lycan subscribe
Contender for favorite chart of all time: Predictions vs. Reality for solar energy.
Why does this thing exist? (Podcast) Episode 102: “Soft Fanged Saddo” shows.acast.com/why-does-thi... From 'The Count' as a washed up derelict to Simon's 'volcanic episode' in his boss's private toilet, the latest episode is one of the all-time greats #Podcast #Count #Toilet
Episode 102: “Soft Fanged Saddo” | Why does this thing exist? (Podcast)shows.acast.com
"Those are certainly words, I've just not heard them in that order before" My response to Elon Musk's declaration on how chips in brains will stave off the threat of AI Part of the recent episode of the BBC Radio 4 show 'Inside Science'. Catch up with it here www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m...
BBC Radio 4 - BBC Inside Science, Are implanted brain chips the future?www.bbc.co.uk Also how we measure distance in space and what drugs in sewage are doing to our frogs.
Remember, Jude Bellingham is under 25, so his brain isn't fully formed yet, meaning any goals he scores don't count. #Joke #ISwearToGod #ItsJustAJoke
My wife told our 8yo daughter to keep my #FathersDay surprise a secret. She took this instruction very seriously. Hence she's been telling me all week that it ISN'T Father's Day today, and there's no such thing. Go big or go home, I guess
Why does this thing exist? (Podcast) Ep 101: "Gazumped by Wellard" shows.acast.com/why-does-thi... Start your weekend right with the latest episode, where returning guests Dave Steele and Mike Mcann help us explore questionable theme pubs, and the epitome of 'childish humour' #Podcast #Humour
Episode 101: "Gazumped by Wellard" (with Dave Steele and Michael McCann) | Why does this thing exist? (Podcast)shows.acast.com
Earlier, I was 'in the studio' to record BBC Radio 4's "Inside Science", on air at 4.30pm www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m... Will be covering (debunking) the hype around Neuralink, and the claims and predictions of a certain tech billionaire #brains #neuralink #science #radio
BBC Radio 4 - BBC Inside Science, 13/06/2024www.bbc.co.uk A weekly programme looking at the science that's changing our world.
The one context in which I'd support a Tory victory is if it's one which humiliates Farage, meaning we could have at least a few months off before that gurning dead-eyed sneer, that fascist amphibian face, is plastered over my feeds yet again, for no discernible reason
"AAARGH! WHAT!? WHAT THE... WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!? AAARGH!" - The inventor of popcorn
Sunak is a perfect example of my regular point "putting incredibly rich, pampered people in charge of anything is a terrible idea" Whatever your motivation, evidence suggests if you never experience hardship or struggle, you don't recognise it in others. So, it doesn't factor into your decisions
Imagine managing to engineer a BBC front page like, this when you're the incumbent government, during an election campaign. How is it even possible? HOW?!