
Avatar Just finished Alien Clay. Brilliant, as ever. But, with regards to the passage where the first Kiln alien invades the camp, I find it oddly reassuring that you're continuing your one man campaign against arachnophobic sci-fi fans
I am more looking for converts than persecuting the infidels... :)
Converts to the pro-Arachnid agenda? Well since reading the 'Children of...' series while keeping up to date with world affairs, I confess the thought "We should just put the spiders in charge" has occurred to me more than once. So... that's one more, I guess?
How did you like the spider societies in the Shadows of the Apt -world? Lots of fun other creepy crawly worlds in that series. But I do love Portia more. :D
A spider built a web across my skylight and I happily left them there for the whole of their natural life because they were my little fruit-fly-eating friendo. I'm not normally like this.
I work form my cabin/shed in my garden, and over time the wooden structure has become more 'porous', so bugs and so forth get in often. As a result, when a spider lands on my person, I've gone from "AAAAAARRRGH! GETITOFFGETITOFFGETITOFF" to "Oh! Steve, give it a rest mate. I'm working".
I'm quite arachnophobic, but the masses of midges this spring made me more sympathetic to their cause. We have left one, Gladys, in the bathroom to help de-bug the room. I have even taken her bugs to eat. This is very out of character for me.