
I don't know if I'd call my "support" for Kamala Harris ironic or unironic. What I support is the Democratic party following its self-preservation instincts against threats other than those on its left, and fighting as though the stakes are as high as they claim they are.
Sticking with Joe Biden isn't either of those things now. It wasn't either of those things in 2020.
It is interesting/ scary that throughout history and the world over today, when fascism rears its head the center and liberals go catatonic. Half join the fascist and half become deers in the headlights. Since the U.S. doesn’t have a practical or political left there is nothing else left here.
If we genuinely believe that she can win and her chances are better than Biden (which I think is reasonable, but I have no particular insight on it) then I'll back her.
There are better choices but I'm not sure they're better options this late. They'd have needed a real primary they can't have anymore.
Well, yeah, my REAL advice is for them to go back in time and have a real primary, but 🤷‍♀️