Turbo Duo Lipa

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Turbo Duo Lipa


At one point I made games and ran web sites

The funny thing is that there are plenty of plain old liberals that I like and respect? But crucially they don't pull the kind of shit that I complain about.
I was literally subtweeting you. Not JUST you, but I was complaining about several posters I had seen recently and that included SPECIFICALLY you. You, specifically and personally, are part of the problem because you cannot behave for five minutes to stop the fascism you supposedly care about.
Yes I am saying you're proving the criticism you invented correct.
Liberals keep being like, "If only those stupid leftists who I despise would form a coalition with us we'd wipe the floor with the far right" and I am begging you...
A tournament arc is what you get when you admit you're fresh out of ideas for where the series should go.
look - I'm receptive to both "no, it's gotta be him" arguments and "he's gotta step aside" arguments. not to be wishy-washy but both arguments have merit. "then we do a tourney" is OTOH flatly hilarious. yeah that'll go great. there will much much unity in the wake of the electoral deathmatch
I thought NYT only had a repost bot on here?
Y'all made jokes about him being a Krassenstein and he went and did it.
I can only attribute Biden's bump in the polls to people hearing about the media and donor class freak out and thinking the media and donor class are dipshits.
Sorry, but Koana's color scheme is very oompa loompa coded.
Like, on the one hand, Project 2025 is a bunch of ridiculous wishlist items and even with Trump, a lot of them are still absurd. But on the other hand, we've absolutely seen that conservatives can go, "Yeah, no, I still support X" and then vote to take X away from themselves.
Moving to Minnesota seems to have been a pretty reasonable choice...
It took me too long to figure out what this weird bug is because there are entirely too many beetles in this world.
In 2020 we were told Biden's age didn't matter, we just had to suck it up for one election to oust Trump, because Biden wasn't going to run again anyway. Then a week ago, after skipping a real primary to push Biden through again they realized he was old.
The older I get the more convinced I am that the people who tell us that we need to shut up and listen to the adults in the room who know best are, in fact, the adults in the room.
regardless of what happens with the nomination, i will say this generation of dems--biden, pelosi, shumer, durbin, clyburn--have kindled a deep-seated hatred in me for them and their leadership, which is quite a feat given that i'm a lifelong dem who's voted, volunteered, and donated for 24 years
Yes, fears that you won't be attractive enough is gender dysphoria, but I should also note, it's also just patriarchy? Like, do I feel super attractive? Not particularly. I remember feeling a lot better about myself when I first transitioned, but like, I'm 44 now?? That was nearly 10 years ago?
idk how you expect americans, on fourth of july weekend, to honor titles lol
God bless the USA, the country with the most freedom in the world as long as you're a billionaire, president, supreme court justice...
I don't want to pick on that one guy but why would Labour protect trans people if when they fuck trans people over, they win? Even if it wasn't what CAUSED the win, it's enough to know that fucking over trans people won't cost them anything.
Looking forward to Biden dropping out/not dropping out and then the left being blamed for calling for him to drop out/not calling for him to drop out.
When we criticize Biden's policies we're accused of shitting on him and costing him the election then the exact same dudes freak out about his age, which has been a known quantity the entire time!
The TERF argument relies entirely on secret, unprovable assertions. As long as everyone else is a secret pervert, they can be discounted. They deny it? That's exactly what a secret pervert WOULD say.
The thread she's responding to isn't particularly helpful either. I think the reason some men are criticizing TERFs is because trans people can already access bathrooms and women's shelters and we don't see them committing sexual assault! TERFs are lying; that's why they're being criticized.
I love Connections but that game is poison to my wife.
Once you buy the idea that biology is destiny and that your worth, your morality, your place in society is immutable, then you're pretty fucked when it comes to examining and deconstructing power structures. What I'm saying is that transphobia rots brains.
Oh, good the Twin Cities Alamo Drafthouse is coming back. It was a schlep (and not as nice as the LA one, unfortunately) but man, it was a nicer theater than the others...
Reposted byAvatar Turbo Duo Lipa
the conservative theory of law in one headline
Reposted byAvatar Turbo Duo Lipa
i’m suspending the normal rules of newsworthiness today. show me a picture of rfk jr being eaten by a dog
Do not let this drive you to despair, let it spur you to action*. * scolding
Jesus christ people, you need to understand that, "Don't worry, even if it all goes to shit, it'll be better in a few decades or centuries" isn't particularly fucking motivating.
As a general rule, once the number of people who'd have to die to significantly improve your political system (we'll call it a Bullet Number) dips into the single digits, things are going badly.
Sorry, keeping hope despite setbacks has gotten tiring, maybe if I had a little crumb of success it'd be easier.
Sorry about killing the vibes by feeling powerless, I'll be sure to vote.