
I wanted to vote in 2004: naturalization took too long. I loved going with our kid to these when they were small. This is the first I've been to for a bit & I mostly lay on grass. There're good+bad things about this place but these people put in the work to come here & I love to see them celebrated.
Went to the Naturalization ceremony in downtown Northampton today because my kid wanted to go & it was wonderful.
Despite my profound criticisms of the US and its political systems, I see appreciation for these ceremonies as part of the Immigration Is Good Actually platform, so I get that. Those who slog through getting citizenship aren't unusually ignorant of the country's faults—many are joining the fight.
Same: profound critiques here but the work these people did and the one flag for all of us, no matter where from/beliefs/orientations/whatever — not blue-lined, not upside down, even though the idea is so far from reality, it's something to work for . Also :)
I’m getting my biases confirmed listening to Zeke Hernandez’s The Truth About Immigration which gathers a lot of data to show immigrants strengthen economies — and anti-immigration policies hurt
The Truth About Immigration Audiobook on This program features an introduction, afterword, and acknowledgements read by the author. The go-to book on immigration: fact-based, comprehensive, and nonpartisan.Immigration is one of the most cont...
I rode by this as a passenger in a car, but didn't know what it was. Appreciate the glimpses here so much. A good thing, for sure.
I was there too! One of my friends became a citizen today.
Hey, that's great! I love that the judge comes out and works on the holiday for this, love seeing the people from everywhere. Might have missed it this year (tired!) but our even more sleepy teen was the instigator and I was so happy to see it again.