
need to figure out how to make a “Controversial” feed
you can kinda do it with skyfeed by looking at skeets with filtering skeets by like counts and then sorting by reply count
it catches stray positive-vibe skeets though :( might be able to string together a regex that grabs likely happy vibes and removes them from the list? not sure if skyfeed can remove with regex though
what are positive vibes in this doomer age if not controversial tho
“is being happy anti-leftist?” and other fun new discourses coming soon to a social media near you
i have seen this exact take from some of the most annoying nerds you will ever meet in your life lol
idk if this is controversial or nerdy but i genuinely believe that any form of “leftist “praxis”” needs to at least have space for joy & happiness if not be centered around it like thats literally the point!! we’re fighting for the right to exist!!! why do that and choose to exist miserably??? AAAH
I definitely agree, one of the most positive parts of praxis is building community, which brings a lot of joy. but that also requires more than just chirping on social media, which is where a lot of the praxis begins and ends for a lot of killjoys.
yep!! community building is incredible and beautiful and necessary work and it requires a lottt more than just posting to social media and being a doomer who does infighting for fun on social media is SO far from praxis. like we arent even on the same planet as praxis anymore
you can by checking the box that says invert