trina the tran 🏳️‍⚧️

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trina the tran 🏳️‍⚧️

very normal, nothing to see here

ex-web dev, current game dev
"alpha male" this, "sigma male" that, just admit that you saw trans people inventing cool genders and got jealous
electroswing should not be a genre. it is the exclusive domain of Caravan Palace, who actually have enough respect and love for swing to not take a steaming shit all over it with the synths. every other electroswing song and artist is morally reprehensible
is there any genre of music more lifeless, unchanging, and trite than electro swing? it's like the cybertruck of music. every hapless evening where i am cursed by apollo's trickery into hearing electro swing, i always find myself stunned in dismay by the assault against music and against my ears.
"Canada, it presents itself as innocuous, but it's deeply dark and sinister" incredible, and entirely accurate.
you can feel free to think it is bad but i am going to continue to enjoy the anime with the progressive metal soundtrack, many more female characters than male characters, and Canonical Main Character Lesbians
finding out that my coworker has to find a new physician because their current one is leaving the province to keep their trans daughter safe is doing wonders for my mental... I'm really not looking forward to the federal election, where my humanity will be a point of debate AGAIN!
if suddenly transphobia only matters to protect cis men from rape allegations, then transphobia never mattered to those cis people in the first place
TERFs can actually just call me a man to my face if we can root out all the rapist liberal snakes who supposedly support us, one of these things is way worse, actually
yep!! community building is incredible and beautiful and necessary work and it requires a lottt more than just posting to social media and being a doomer who does infighting for fun on social media is SO far from praxis. like we arent even on the same planet as praxis anymore
me when I see the girlies talking about regex
it catches stray positive-vibe skeets though :( might be able to string together a regex that grabs likely happy vibes and removes them from the list? not sure if skyfeed can remove with regex though
Oh heck, I meant to do this earlier today. So, apparently I am now officially a “mid” account (around 500+ followers), so! Trans people, drop your mutual aid stuff into this thread! Everyone else, take a look! Help if you can, retweet if you can’t. (Or if you can!) GO!
ah, yes, this is why I don't drink alcohol. all I want to do is break everything in sight
iterating on a new art style, what could go wrong? somehow I have made the gay baby of Garfield and Smokey the Bear.
if you see this, (1) grab scrap paper (post-it, envelope, etc) and writing implement (2) draw a garfield or a spongebob or both (do not look them up) (3) share if you wanna!!!
Without downloading new pics what's it like dating you?
Without downloading new pics what's it like dating you?
listened to No World for Tomorrow yesterday for the first time in a while... there's a section that's just an emo album in the middle of a great prog album... why?
Tasha's cute giggle. (this one is for the girls)
otto's shitty dance that nobody likes. otto what are you doing man
You 🫵😵 stepped in 🕳️🏃 the shit 💩 numbnuts. 😹🍒 This 👽 is what 😱👈 happens when you 🤪 step 🦶 in the 👶 shit... 🔫😔 you become 🫡 total 🌎 content 🅱️ because 🤔 we're 👋 all 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 seeing 👀 you 🤣 show 📺 your whole 😩 ass. 🍑 Alas this 😡⬇ is 🤭 now 🙅⌛ social media 😋📱 and especially Bluesky 🦋🌤️ works. 👷📋 You're welcome. 🤝
You 🫵😵 stepped in 🕳️🏃 the shit 💩 numbnuts. 😹🍒 This 👽 is what 😱👈 happens when you 🤪 step 🦶 in the 👶 shit... 🔫😔 you become 🫡 total 🌎 content 🅱️ because 🤔 we're 👋 all 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 seeing 👀 you 🤣 show 📺 your whole 😩 ass. 🍑 Alas this 😡⬇ is 🤭 now 🙅⌛ social media 😋📱 and especially Bluesky 🦋🌤️ works. 👷📋 You're welcome. 🤝
hopefully we get another "developer removes streamer's skin" headline again.
PUBG, Tarkov, and Rogue Company have yet to acknowledge Dr Disrespect situation, remove skins
My feet? Covered in shit. My nuts? Numb to all hell. My ass? Shown whole. My social media? Especially bluesky.
You stepped in the shit numbnuts. This is what happens when you step in the shit… you become total content because we’re all seeing you show your whole ass. Alas this is now social media and especially Bluesky works. You’re welcome.
You stepped in the shit numbnuts. This is what happens when you step in the shit… you become total content because we’re all seeing you show your whole ass. Alas this is now social media and especially Bluesky works. You’re welcome.
You stepped in the shit numbnuts. This is what happens when you step in the shit… you become total content because we’re all seeing you show your whole ass. Alas this is now social media and especially Bluesky works. You’re welcome.
stop fucking this up. if you don’t have the forethought to tag your nudes maybe you’re not mature enough to be posting them
god, Canada is no better for this shit either. bringing out a literal Nazi to "support Ukraine" and defending Israel less than a year apart is... concerning.
to elaborate on this point: there are certain things that are receptive to democratic pressures (acceptance of various minority groups, minor social welfare measures) and certain things that are not (commitment to neoliberal economics, the violent maintenance of empire)
explained "turning the frogs gay" to my mom. upon learning about frogs being able to change their sex, her immediate reaction was "well that would be handy!" starting to think being trans is genetic, because that's one of the most egg comments I have ever heard.
watching media here prop up poilievre as if he's just a normal conservative, and not the guy who kept defending and supporting a FASCIST ORGANIZED AND FUNDED RALLY. it's hard to stay sane when both province and country could have horrific leaders.
this is a repeated pattern: there was no need to know about the abuser's real-life abuse or fed ties to recognize the rhetoric ITSELF as fundamentally dangerous, harmful, and providing rhetorical cover for abusers. this has happened over and over and over again.
...and there was no need to know about faer real-life abuse or fed ties to realize what was out in the open was toxic in and of itself—and faer ability to have a respectable reputation in general, and a trusted voice on the (skinny white trans girl) racism problem...
I'm so excited for the media to start saying "Trudeau is too cringe, we should elect poilievre, who is neither cringe nor fascist" spoiler, poilievre is both fascist and cringe.
What exactly is "too woke"?