
The condescending manner in which the campaign is dismissing these calls isn't helping since they're choice to ignore what was always obvious to voters is what brought us here
In 2020, pressure on Biden translated into Kamala Harris becoming VP and Kentanji Brown Jackson becoming a Supreme Court Justice. In 2024, the pressure on Biden will likely translate into nothing. No change, no compromise, no concessions. We just get more aging white mediocrity. So that’s great.
"Now isn't the time for finger pointing" I don't care. I'm so angry and they've risked so much and will probably face no consequences for it so I'll just point fingers for the rest of my life. I'm sprouting new fingers because I enjoy it so much.
"Everything but finger pointing is illegal. By the way, why are you finger pointing?"
"Why is everything MY fault?" say people whose actions are the problem we are facing down
I'm so fucking angry and worried. Everyone in the Dem party at the top along with most opinion writers and pundits needs to be put on a raft in an oceanic garbage patch.
I think it is a little unfair to say that now that he appointed KBJ to the SC that all Biden is offering is white mediocrity now. He has been nominating a diverse federal judiciary his entire term and will do the same in his next term.
Read more Read more here.
and how influential has this appointment been in stopping the erosion of democracy?
I'm not really sure where you are going with this. Biden made a good nomination and has been nominating good judges across the country. That does not mean that everything is better.
he had the opportunity to pack the court and he didn't. He shares responsibility for this catastrophe.
No he didn't. Unless you think Manchin and Sinema wanted to do that. Which they didn't.
And why didn’t he try anyways? Why didn’t he put public pressure on them? Why doesn’t he act like like this is the existential threat it is?
I don't know what to do here, I don't know what the answer is today. We're in a horrible, awful spot now. But I do know that almost everyone on this site had the answers to these problems when there was still time. And now we're here.
It's likely to discourage some people from even going to the polls, thereby ceding down ballot victories to Republicans.