
*lowers voice* As others have pointed out, you cannot necessarily even emigrate to Canada, your neighbour, if you are disabled or have evidence of 'undue' healthcare spending, for example (real life example unfortunately) receiving treatment in the adult psychiatric care system... involuntarily. 🙃
There is an American exceptionalism embedded in the idea that y'all think you can just pick up and leave and go wherever you want. It's cute you think you'd be welcomed. Americans aren't exactly popular in the world.
Several people have been confused after I've asked if they know French or have quite a bit of money in a bank account after they tell me they'll just move to Canada. Like seriously people, learn what the requirements are! Also they hate when I follow up that I have to stay here.
My friends moved after W got reelected. She was a lawyer in her 30s, and she had to 1) have a job lined up, 2) go to more school to practice law, 3) have enough savings to support them both while she did that, 4) become a citizen, before 5) her husband could get a spousal visa to work. So yeah.