
Joe Biden's age gets a lot of scrutiny, but it seems we never hear the same about Trump, who's just 3 years younger and is showing signs of serious mental decline every time he opens his mouth. And his recent campaign appearances and rants are no exception. Experts are raising the alarm.
Trump’s Brain Is Not An expert’s view of Trump’s mental slide into dementia.
bidens handicap...why he seems to be... is, that he is a stutterer. that's all. trump instead is really dumb.
Biden's mental health decline is the state of Trump's mental health 5 years ago. That said, Trump's mental health decline is so severe he'd be unable to make decisions himself, his assistants and VP would be handling him and doing it all for him. I think that is the Republican strategy btw.
Republicans always love to rerun the same old routine and strategy and try to mask the old stuff with new and creative ways... but it is always the same awfulness with a new coat of paint. For the party obsessed with a 'return to tradition', they sure endlessly repeat these traditions.
You didn’t actually read the article did you? Not the same.
Now, now. His brain is the best brain. The biggest you’ve ever seen. So big. Everyone always tells him his brain is the best they’ve ever seen. Memory like you wouldn’t believe. Remembers things so well. People tell him all the time, “wow, your brain is so amazing”. They come up to him on the stre….
Biden sometimes messes up speaking a phrase or two but you always know what he's getting at. Trump is straight up word salad most of the time where you're just like "wtf is this lunatic even saying?"
His execrations are exhausting.
So is looking words up.
Hah. That word was new to me too. Saw it in a novel I'm (finally) reading: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.
My Android phone now has a dictionary app (from Google) that feeds me a new word every day. It's been illuminating.
Guess what! There's a podcast for that: Shrinking Trump. 2 mental health professionals dissect Crazy Don's mumblings over the past week, explain where his word salad comes from, & where his mispronunciations come from. Then to not take their word for it, they invite mental health pros to comment.
That's because the media moguls love Trump ..just look at who owns all the major outlets and you will see why Biden gets all the negative press about AGE and MENTAL ACUITY.
He’s not just showing signs of mental decline, he’s deep in the throes of it!
There's a mental age and a physical age. They seldom coincide. A three year age difference at their age is no age difference. Chose reason, not treason.
It's because there's now a culture of fear associated with saying anything against him.
This will surely have dire consequences for ol' Donny Trump!
the question is, are sufficient numbers of voters in the USA sane enough themselves to tell the difference?
IKR? He seriously needs help. The people pushing him are harming his health. He needs to quit politics and seek actual medical aid. No "yes" men, actual psychological & possibly neurological treatment. I dont like him or his cult, but I'd be no better if I ignored his mental health decline.
DJT reminds me so much of my MiL who suffers from Altzhemiers and is ready to go into assisted living. I question whether she's with it enough to take care of her cat, and yet here's a guy running for POTUS that reminds me of her?! Not enough is said about Trump's dementia.
Has anyone checked Trump's brain for WORMS? Maybe a good idea.