
Unfortunately the US has been sleepwalking into this for years - it's become clear that the whole machinery of state relies upon good faith actors doing more or less the right thing. When a group of people come along who don't - Trump and the modern GOP - it all falls over.
Welcoming to the lived experience of standards in public governance in the UK. Think Johnson, covid, brexit, etc. Based on the “good chap” theory. The people directing policy will be good people and will be held in check by other good people. What happens when they are not good? See Johnson. Oh!
Technically thanks to this ruling, Biden could drone strike Trump and the 6 corrupt SCOTUS members, and it be classified as a legal act since he's constitutionally bound to "protect America from all enemies, both foreign and domestic". The GOP has publicly said they're domestic terrorists, so 🤷‍♂️
Strongly worded letter won’t save our republic
It's up to Joe now, as President he's been gifted the power by the Supreme Court to solve our new Supreme Court problem. He needs to demand the Resignation of all 6 Justices... as an effort to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
I keep thinking of RBG and hubris
It was a good country while it lasted…
What would be better is if she actually did something other than wring her hands and bemoan the death of Democracy. You know, like go on the news every fucking day and scream loudly that the court is no longer ruled by law but ruled by political terrorists and Christian nationals.
Start now to alert the public.... the SC may/will interfere in the 2024 election. Any disruptions at the ballot box will give the SC reason to stop voting and declare trump the winner. Warnings need to go out starting today. Don't let 2024 be a repeat of year 2000.
There’s clearly a civil war coming that we need to do something about. This is not the democracy was taught at school. lol
With President Biden’s address to the nation tonight regarding MAGA SCOTUS, he needs to reassure his voters that if they give him a 2nd term, with a Dem House & Senate, his 1st actions will be to immediately expand the court, & codify Roe.
This court is going to be really bad for our country. The longtime goal of an autocratic govt. steeped in Christianity is on the way.
In perhaps an inadvertent way, this legal decision may in fact ensure Biden's resounding reelection, for the safety of the Republic, where he can then add new Justices to the Supreme Court - 's in the hands of the US electors, yours is the responsibility. Regards, interested observer from Australia.
Biden should retire so VP Harris can take over and start performing official acts. She can politely and persuasively escort the presumed GOP nominee to an assisted living facility, and do the same with GOP leadership, and the 6 unfriendly court folk. #ThoughtsandPrayers
This goes beyond singly saying they are corrupted, they are vermin. The entire justice system is vermin.
More and more we are turning into Germany when Hitler took over.
Didn't Benjamin Franklin say (Paraphrasing) America had A Republica if we can keep it? I guess we can't keep it.
I hope we win this November. Cuz if not, I have a feeling he's going to destroy everything.
If Trump wins, we become refugees. Next year we will be living in refugee camps in other countries while the western world tries to figure out how and where to resettle 200+ million.
Yeah, Democrats always have a really great "fear for our asses" speech, usually after something they could have prevented occurs and threatens the Rule of Law and Democracy itself ....yeah, Democrats are really great whiners. Looks like they're really great losers, too.
Scotus is such a mockery right now.
It's a nice op ed...wish it meant something