Max Zorin

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Max Zorin

I’m not really a Bond villain. I’m a guy in the Pacific Northwest (US) and spent more than half of my life in the Southeast (US). Law and Academia connected. Hopeful . . . still. Also a big Duran Duran fan (that explains the Max Zorin handle).
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If you work at X and don't wish to move to Texas now is as good a time as any to blow the whistle on what you think the public needs to know.
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Every picture of JD Vance looks like every picture of a youth pastor arrested for sexual abuse of the youth of his church.
Every picture of JD Vance looks like it’s accompanying s news story about a former child actor who got caught in a multi level marketing scam
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Man, gigs have really dried up for my Thanksgiving-themed cover band, Turdokken
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Why don't selfies like these go viral 😔
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Biden should retire so VP Harris can take over and start performing official acts. She can persuasively escort the presumed GOP nominee to an assisted living facility, and do the same with GOP leadership, and the 6 unfriendly court folk. #ThoughtandPrayers
My son hears Get Lucky as a toddler. “Is this about gettin’ lucky?” Me: “Nah, it’s about good fun.” Me: “We ‘bout to get lucky.” My kid: “Gross. Go to bed old man.”
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Just saw a white guy with dreadlocks crash his unicycle. It’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me
I hate unicycle guy. Complete turd -- always. My take: If you are unicycle guy you must also be monocle guy. It's both or nothing. If you're gonna be a turd you're going all caps TURD. Fuck, you might as well be a mime, too. #HotTake #Unicycle #Monocle #Mime #turd #TURD
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Oh my god, this is fucking huge. It was huge when we developed a daily PrEP pill that could prevent you from catching HIV; this is a successful phase III trial of a PrEP shot that will only need to be given *twice a year*. Still needs a confirmatory Phase III, but holy fuck.
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They can monitor DEEZ NUTS!!
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Yahoo's original homepage (1994)
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Farewell to NASA astronaut Bill Anders who has died aged 90. On Christmas Eve 1968 he took this, the greatest photograph in human history. Go well, sir.
I just went out to rural Idaho to pick up a pizza oven I just bought on Craigslist. I'm in a pride-colors striped polo and I drive a yellow VW Beetle convertible. I felt like Bono when he had a drink with Sinatra -- Bono orders a jack and ginger and Frank does not.
When I moved into my house in 2023, this Frank Church campaign sticker was in my house. Now Sen. Church has a friend. #Church #ChurchCommission #Idaho #Hula #Potatoes #GOPDeathCult
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Many major results last night, if you’re catching up: —We know Tester and Gianforte’s opponents, and the NJ candidates —Election deniers stumble in SD —Dem establishment gets picks in NJ —Progressive wins in NM and DC
Your Guide to the June 4 Primaries - Bolts is watching dozens of races across five states, as scandals rock statewide contests and ideological factions in each party fight for more control in their legislatures.
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IMHO a very good (academic) book is James Aho on far-right Mormonism. There's a surprising lack of work on this specific aspect -- I have a chapter in my book about it as it relates to sheriffs.
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I am a fan of and a subscriber to Puck News and 404 Media, fwiw. Pubs like these are one way forward.
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A bunch of white male oligarchs decided to dismantle two of the remaining serious journalistic outlets just before an election to decide whether the US remains a democracy, eliminating key beats in the name of profit.
I wish I could raise the red flag even higher here. THINGS ARE REALLY BAD, YALL. REALLY BAD.
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David Weiss immunized the gun shop owner who altered the Hunter Biden gun purchase document so he could charge Joe Biden's son for owning a gun for 11 days in 2018. And of the 50 or so journos covering the case, I've seen only CNN even report that the form did get altered.
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Yeet! Splat! Banananananana! #NigelFarage
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I feel like there needs to be a discussion--based on the assumption that billionaires have willfully gutted actual journalism (most visibly lately at WSJ and at WSJ-on-the-Potomoc) as part of a plan to get their tax cuts back, how do we get enough reporting done through the election to matter?
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I don't think people appreciate how bad things are in journalism and how terrible a blow it is to democracy. I have never seen the employment this iffy, wages this low, reporting this little in demand (by editors). You wonder how a column like Kathleen Parker's gets printed--that's who's left.
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When the news is especially terrible or the days especially long, I cook. It’s dumb. But it helps.
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Stephen Harper's church is the Christian and Missionary Alliance (Alliance Canada) is part of the Alliance World Fellowship which is part of the World Assemblies of God World Evangelical Alliance is often mentioned in The Christian and Missionary Alliance literature.