Rosalind Franklin

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Rosalind Franklin

Rosalind Franklin discovered DNA;as a crystallographer, her picture of the double helix DNA was stolen:James Watson +2 (incl 1 who stole the picture) won the Noble Prize for being the first to identify the structure of DNA 🧬—Stealngresearch ends solutions
I read some academic books and articles on Tuskegee last summer, and the number of people who DID know and DIDN'T blow the whistle is just staggering. RIP, guy who actually did the right thing.
Fitting tribute to a remarkable man.
The legal max a person can donate to a candidate is $3300. But, when billionaires like Elon Musk exploit our broken campaign finance laws to donate $45 million a month to a candidate, we’re no longer a democracy and it’s no longer an election — it’s an oligarchy and an auction.
WARNING! Project 2025 Presidential Transition Project Trump - (Hitler) - Vance "MAKE AMERICA HATE AGAIN" For our and, especially, our children's sake, please do NOT vote for Trump-Vance.
Hey police, if you've got nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear, right? Stop resisting oversight.
Those that do quit will seek employment with another PD that doesn't have oversight which highlights the fact that policing standards need to be raised at the national level.
Pack up your things, your 1 million member family & move to BluSky. You have friends waiting here "Someone inside X had done their homework and this was a well-researched well-prepared and very intentional takedown of a network of LGBTQ+ X profiles that had well over 1 million followers worldwide
I'm genuinely happy today that being sober is accepted and celebrated online these days. It feels both genuine and like a real change from the past.
People Magazine is writing about Christian nationalism in Project 2025!
Convicted felon Donald Trump was supposed to be sentenced today, before the Gang of Six on the stolen supreme court re-wrote the rules for him. There's no rule of law in the United States while the courts remain captured.
Project 2025 includes the call to “outlaw” porn. If you want to understand what they mean by that? Look to what these groups are already fighting “porn,” and their connections to anti-gender movements outside the US. I start that analysis here:
The Real Targets of Project 2025’s War on It’s not people watching porn online. It’s drag queens, trans people, LGBTQ library books, and more.
The fourth largest city in America is still in crisis under a deadly heatwave & the power company can't get hundreds of thousands of households back online, but you'd barely know it from our national news.
850K CenterPoint customers remain without power after Hurricane More than 850,000 CenterPoint customers were without power four days after Hurricane Beryl hit the Texas coast.
heres a feed that picks up gift links people post. if you want to read something that’s being discussed on bluesky you can scroll this feed and find a link to it for free
Ah, FB memories serving up some winners. This is what an itemized $1,330,000 NICU hospital bill looks like (only 96 days to get there). The apple is there for scale. Here’s why I share it. Too many ppl don’t know abt lifetime caps and pre-existing bans. Bc the STILL-VULNERABLE ACA banned them.
This was true then—after two congressional impeachments, hiding US files, guilty of rape, guilty of fraud +many trials awaiting—it’s still true today. Even though DJT’s ship is sinking and land is inches away, his followers would rather die than be wrong.
Donald Trump: I could "shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters" The Republican presidential candidate speaks out on the "incredible" loyalty of his fans
Anyone against Biden is with Putin, Orban, Erdogan and Xi Jinping, and of course Donald Trump. The Supreme Court majority has chosen to break with our constitution and raise president’s to absolute rule/power: Law is no longer the principle leading our nation.
President Biden Delivers Remarks on the Supreme Court's Immunity The White House
We should all be Democrats, who are the only one’s sounding the alarm that our country is being taken over by theocrats shaking hands with autocrats, supported by white evangelical nationalists, unwilling to let go of caste and heteronormative patriarchy systems.
President Biden Delivers Remarks on the Supreme Court's Immunity The White House
A dark day in American history and the doors swing wide open for the fascist state.