George V. Reilly

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George V. Reilly

Irish-born software developer living in Seattle. Books, computers, bikes, photography, Joycean dramaturgy, Toastmasters, etc.
I am deeply regretting that for my political satire series I went with a head of government who is merely a faceless Lovecraftian Elder God with a skull-collecting hobby. He seems kind of understated these days. Should have picked a cross between the Puppy Shooter and Liz Truss instead ...
Noem to panicked political advisors: I just read this book called "Lean In" and we are going to be fine
I see people taking an opportunity to say the Hugos are ruined, or that they were always bullshit, etc, so I'll say here what I say in the piece and elsewhere: Look what happens when its community sees the Hugos falter. They're not shrugging it off. They're coming to fix it. THAT'S why they matter.
Okay, now I've read the Barkley/Sanford report. My opinion: the 2023 Hugo administrators perpetrated a fraud and the Hugo Award is in a very bad moment. What happens next determines its future. I have a piece over on my site going into my thoughts in some detail:
The 2023 Hugo Fraud and Where We Go From There’s an investigative report out on the administration of the 2023 Hugo Awards, by Chris Barkley and Jason Sanford, and make no mistake about it, it is grim. The short version is that elig…
My all-time favourite Edward Steed drawing...
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