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I barely post but here we are
How else they gonna hit the terrible-even-for-gacha-standards 5* rate in genshin?
AI "artists" are at best directors for stolen art, far more often closer to slot gamblers playing on machines built from stolen car parts.
Ah yes, I just killed the half destroyed corpse of half of a god on earth, time to see what the next phase is... ... ...a.... a plesiosaur? A glowing plesiosaur?
There's a reason he shouldn't have run. There's a reason he should have been primaried. Barring that, things get dicey.
I almost expected to find a shork hiding out somewhere. Excellent job, love how you've hit the color palette and appropriately somber atmosphere of the DLC.
Is there a single industry outside of 'doing business' that has been improved by stock trading?
All the MBAs had infiltrated and many had invested into the hype, so turning around and forcing an exit strategy was paramount since their money was stuck otherwise. Frankly, Gen "AI" is strikingly similar, with companies pouring way too much in and needing to fleece it back out or go broke.
I'm convinced a billionaire that lost a yacht wrote this. You can't astroturf us to hate our maritime heroes that easily.
I used to be ambivalent about them until the same doctor listened to my dad and caught cancer early, turned around and caught a somewhat rare disorder my mother had, then turned around and listened to my grandma and correctly diagnosed her broken spine vs the other doc who said impacted bowels.
Can I buy another credit for another spin, or is it just a wait for recharge kind of system?
We had the local boat 'DJ' blasting his own custom mix which included the jarring change from Yankee Doodle Dandy to American Pie to freaking Fortunate Son before ending with Proud to Be An American. Geriatric Patriotic Music from Hell Vol 3 out there, I tell you.
This reminded me of Cabela's Dangerous Hunts based on just sheer absurd over the top vibes. I somehow almost expect this game to devolve into having to fish while shooting pirhanas or something based on that music alone.
Cabela's Dangerous Hunts: A Game for Nature Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013 challenges you to master modern warfare in a deadly campaign through Africa and Alaska where any animal larger than your watch ...
It's not just a great way to help include people, it also helps with visibility in searches because text search on bsky includes alt text! You're doing good for everyone by adding alt text! Help you and help others!
Apropos absolutely nothing at all
The Alt-Right Playbook: You Go High, We Go patreon: tumblr: twitter: curious cat: transcript: research: Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham Jail: legal argument for appointing a judge without senate approval: Ted Cruz claims Democrats will be biggest obstructionists in history: liberal difficulty in getting both votes and funding: they fucking hate us: a thread by Casey Explosion on conservatives telling you not to do the things that will actually work, using the example of Scary Terry: Shaun's excellent video on the violence and murder at the Alt-Right rally in Charlottesville: review of Dinesh D'Souza's "documentary" that claims liberals are fascists:
Since it seems we need a reminder why playing to old norms while opponents change the rules is a horrible idea and why we should be pressuring Biden to use his new powers to actually do good and protect us vs sit on his hands and say, "Oh well, there goes democracy." 😊🤷‍♂️
The Alt-Right Playbook: You Go High, We Go patreon: http://innuendostudios.tumblr.comtwitter: cat: https://curiousc...
At least my music class taught me something I didn't know, specifically that jazz fuckin rules and I love going to jazz clubs.
I picked the classes because I needed a minor per my college's rules and business is just that easy. People love to lambast the arts as being easy, but I've had far fewer difficult business courses than any other area.
Love yourself enough to draw lines in the sand for your own mental and emotional security. I've ended friendships over less because my own sanity, health, and safety are more important than others' social/emotional embarrassment at their dickishness being revealed.
Put time and energy into relationships that you get matched on in terms of support and joy. Relationships where you have to operate on eggshells or avoid certain aspects of yourself are always going to crumble in the end.
They were so interested with Line Go Up that they thought it applied to CO2 + temps too
I mean I'd love it to get to discovery and Coffee to get his hands on that guy's communication records. I'm positive there's juice there. In any case, Coffee has always struck me as fairly genuine, thorough, and generally fair. This screams of SLAPP.
You should have seen how hard I torpedoed a potential roommate friendship when I referenced my business minor classes as "the crayon classes." "But the math is hard!" Brother I had linear algebra the same semester as a class that 'taught' me that to plan a project you add up the length of the steps
I didn't care if the hat is big enough to make an entire house in, the more comically large the hat, the better
If you didn't have a beside notebook to blearily scribble ideas that came to you in a dream, I'd actually recommend it.
Time to look at bus tickets! That's your cheap alternative Or if you're really lucky Amtrak will actually have a route
Can we get a name or clip? I'm all for boosting the profile of someone who doesn't just fold.
Fwiw I could pick your art out of a lineup easily because your style is both good and distinct. I always like seeing your new art too, whether it's more Edeleth that I originally followed for or little FGC charms or whatever, it's either fun, funny, or just plain well done.
At least we might be seeing the first signs of the bubble popping- Nvidia has lost half a trillion in market cap in less than a week.
You would need to fundamentally change the basic aspects of how this tech works to even begin trying to get it to understand what it's output even means, let alone factuality/truth. Anyone selling you in this tech being much more than fancy phone keyboard predictive text is a scammer or fool.
LLMs are useless for lawyering and other tasks involving actual analysis and understanding not because the technology hasn't gotten there yet, but because that's fundamentally not what statistical word association is capable of doing. Not only can't it understand, it's not even trying to understand.
I think a fraction of true believers would, but none of the current figureheads of the gen "AI" bubble would. As a CS guy who's dabbled in machine learning, the current trend is setting the real, useful field back pursuing VC money and hurting creatives. They're a pack of lying, thieving ghouls.