You don't know me
National Center for Science Education
National Center for Science Education
The National Center for Science Education defends and supports accurate science education, free from ideological interference.
Quarterly Review of Biology
Quarterly Review of Biology
The premier review journal in biology since 1926. Published in association with Stony Brook University by the University of Chicago Press.
Stephen Hupp
Stephen Hupp
Editor of Skeptical Inquirer: The Magazine for Science and Reason
Daniel Radosh
Daniel Radosh
Senior Writer at The Daily Show
Adam "Ask Me About Joe Lancaster" Laats
Adam "Ask Me About Joe Lancaster" Laats
US Historian at Binghamton U. Columbo fan. Books about schools, religion, conservatism. Now writing about the roots of US public schools, c. 1790-1860.
Don Haas (formerly Don Duggan-Haas)
Don Haas (formerly Don Duggan-Haas)
Director of Teacher Programming, The Paleontological Research Institution
Co-author of The Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change
Deputizer of climate communicators
Thinks we should talk more about fire
Michael D. Barton
Michael D. Barton
Historian & Darwin aficionado. Father & advocate for connecting children to nature ( He/him/his. Portland, OR.
Dave Levitan
Dave Levitan
Currently: Deputy editor, Splinter. Previous: The Messenger/Grid, bylines all over before that. Author: NOT A SCIENTIST: How politicians mistake, misrepresent, and utterly mangle science (2017, WW Norton). Puppy dad. NBA junky. Davelevitan{at}
Liz Barnes
Liz Barnes
Biology education researcher studying how to mitigate conflict in society about climate change, vaccines, and evolution with inclusive teaching and communication.
Kostas Kampourakis
Kostas Kampourakis
Author and editor of books intended to help non-experts understand science. Interested in anything about evolution, development, heredity and nature of science.
Same old climatedynamics from Twitter.
Kelly Weill
Kelly Weill
Writer in books and blogs. Author of "Off The Edge" (book) and (newsletter). Bunch of other words at The Daily Beast, Atlantic, Politico, your yearbook.

kellybweill at gmail
Free Inquiry
Free Inquiry
The journal of secular humanist ideas.
Paul Fidalgo♾️
Paul Fidalgo♾️
a motley fool, a miserable world. odd duck, indoor cat. actor, musician, writer.
#actuallyautistic ♾️
Professor of Zoology (Manchester) studies smell, history of science & French Resistance. Most recent book: 'The Genetic Age' (As Gods in US). Writing a biography of Francis Crick.
Carl T. Bergstrom
Carl T. Bergstrom
Biology professor at the University of Washington.

I study how information flows in biology, science, and society.

I wrote a book: *Calling Bullshit*:

I love ravens and crows:

Andrew Dessler
Andrew Dessler
Prof of Atmospheric Sciences & climate scientist @ Texas A&M; AGU and AAAS Fellow; Native Texan; find out what I think at
Zeke Hausfather
Zeke Hausfather
"A tireless chronicler and commentator on all things climate" -NYTimes.

Climate research lead @stripe, writer @CarbonBrief, scientist @BerkeleyEarth, IPCC/NCA5 author.

Twitter: @hausfath
Gale Sinatra
Gale Sinatra
Stephen H. Crocker Chair of Education & Psychology
@USCRossier, Director of Motivated Change Research Lab, member of National Academy of Education.
Carl Zimmer
Carl Zimmer
New York Times columnist, author
John TImmer
John TImmer
Ars Technica's science editor. Various other things that are far less interesting.
Jennifer Raff
Jennifer Raff
Anthropological geneticist, NYT bestselling author, martial artist, professor, Ox mother. Rock chalk.
Kevin M. Kruse
Kevin M. Kruse
Historian: White Flight; New Suburban History; Fog of War; One Nation Under God; Fault Lines; Voter Suppression; Myth America. CAMPAIGN TRAILS:
John Rennie
John Rennie
Science writer/editor at Quanta Magazine | Frmrly of Scientific American, TWC's Hacking the Planet & more | Faculty: NYU SHERP. | Opinions = my own, if that. (he/him) 🧪🥋🦮|
Michael E. Mann
Michael E. Mann
Scientist/Author; Presidential Distinguished Prof/Director Center for Science, Sustainability & the Media, U. Penn; National Academy of Sciences; Royal Society; Tyler Prize
Daniel Loxton
Daniel Loxton
I make pictures, write articles, and research misinformation and fringe claims. I’m the former Editor (2002–2021) of Junior Skeptic, and author of Evolution: How We and All Living Things Came to Be and other science books for kids and adults.
Scientific American
Ed Yong
Ed Yong
Writer, journalist. Science, health. Pandemics, animals. Birder, photographer. Many words, some awards. AN IMMENSE WORLD, I CONTAIN MULTITUDES. Married to Liz Neeley, parent to Typo. he/him

📷 Canon R6mkii + RF 800mm
Michelle Goldberg
Michelle Goldberg
New York Times opinion columnist; MSNBC contributor; author.
Joseph Henderson
Joseph Henderson
Enviro. social scientist, research on climate change ed. & ecofascism, Associate Professor, Paul Smith's College. #workingclassacademic
Debbie Goddard
Debbie Goddard
Secular/atheist organizer w/ particular focus on African Americans, LGBTQ+, women, youth. VP, Programs for American Atheists. Trivial Pursuit lover, occasional blogger, other stuff.
Mohamed Noor
Mohamed Noor
Executive Vice Provost @DukeU . Genetics/ evolution. Science consults for #StarTrek , & speak/videos/write on science in sci-fi. Personal acct- views are my own. (he/ him/ his)
Mark Sumner
Mark Sumner
Author, journalist, old guy. Currently they’re still putting up with me at DailyKos.
Colin Purrington
Colin Purrington
Nature and photography fan. Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.
Steve Mirsky
Steve Mirsky
Retired layabout.
Elisabeth Bik
Elisabeth Bik
Science integrity consultant and crowdfunded volunteer, PhD. Previously at Stanford University and (gasp!) uBiome. NL. USA. #ImageForensics.
@MicrobiomDigest on the bird app.
Support me:
John Hawks
John Hawks
Thony Christie
Thony Christie
Aging freak who fell in love with the history of science and now resides mostly in 16th century Nürnberg.
John S. Mead
John S. Mead
Bio Teacher and Evo educator.
@NCSE Teacher Ambassador,
@rdfrsTIES Teacher, Texas OBTA, Evo Ed Awardee. He/Him
Prosanta Chakrabarty
Prosanta Chakrabarty
Curator/Prof @LSU, TED Fellow, F@AAAS, Fulbrighter, #Evolution #TeamFish, Chair @LSU_CCK, ASIH President @IchsAndHerps, he/him #BLM ✊🏿 #ProtectTransKids
Naomi Oreskes
Naomi Oreskes
Historian, Earth Scientist, Writer, Public Intellectual. Loves: Chocolate, Red Wine, Skiing. Hates: Beets
Jim Lippard
Jim Lippard
I like infosec (esp. threat intelligence), history and philosophy of science and technology, skepticism. Mastodon:
Sheril Kirshenbaum
Sheril Kirshenbaum
Author. Scientist. Host of PBS Serving Up Science. Sustainability, Politics & Science Communication at Michigan State.
Laura Helmuth
Laura Helmuth
Editor in Chief of Scientific American, Formerly at Washington Post, National Geographic, Slate, Smithsonian, Science. Past prez National Association of Science Writers. Birder
Josh Rosenau
Josh Rosenau
Science belongs in politics. Nature-poker, mountain lion defender, climate hawk, evolution fan. he/him
Seattle area
End of list.