Steve Mirsky

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Steve Mirsky

Retired layabout.
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Justice Sotomayer is sounding the alarm people.
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Modern journalism needs to evolve. It's used to simply presenting multiple views of the same consensus reality without arbitrating among them. We're now in an era where the Republicans have rejected consensus reality. Journalists must now advocate for the actual truth, and they're bad at it.
Brooks admits upfront his abrogation of journalistic responsibility: "I should emphasize that I wasn’t trying to debate Bannon or rebut his beliefs; I wanted to understand how he sees the current moment." I stopped reading. My Unsettling Interview With Steve Bannon
Opinion | My Unsettling Interview With Steve On the eve of going to prison, populism’s grand strategist talks about what another Trump presidency would look like and the rise of MAGA-type movements around the world.
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Will Kane has lost a step so we should probably just let Frank Miller be sheriff. Jeebus Cripes.
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I subscribe! Mostly for a daily dose of Space!News! But there is other cool stuff too
Scientific American — the longest running consecutive print magazine in the US on *any* topic and also a mag I write for — is having a 40% off subscription sale!
Subscribe to Scientific American Knowledge Awaits
Chef Boyardee Sharks (circa 1990-circa 1995): Canned, shark-shaped pasta in a tomato sauce, available with or without mini meatballs
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The courts have given media a freebie to start using basic words for Donald Trump and assume basic facts are in evidence. When you don't see that, you're seeing a choice.
How Not to Report on Donald Trump - A.G. “Dash” Sulzberger’s Silicon Valley-inflected skepticism and open-debate pieties are a recipe for dangerously irresponsible journalism by omission.
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I am glad takes the time to deconstruct the complete fiasco that was the NY Times op-ed on COVID origins this week. Kathleen Kingsbury, Patrick Healy & Times' columnists like Nick Kristof who amplified this nonsense should be ashamed.
The New York Times goes all in on "lab leak" Earlier this week, the New York Times op-ed page ran an article by Alina Chan rehashing lab leak conspiracy theories. WTF happened?
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Republican shitheads are now calling for Dr. Fauci to be arrested. I’m at a loss for words to express how disgusting and evil this party has become.
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You can feel the MAGA ban on NYC in the air here. The dearth of bigoted authoritarian-craving dipshits on the streets and in the parks only adds to the loveliness of our magnificent city.
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this is the funniest thing happening on the internet today: people claiming the newly elected president of Mexico isn’t really Jewish because she thanked Jesus (she thanked Jesús, her husband)
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The anti-reality industry pushes lies about abortion, climate, COVID, gender-affirming care, race, sex, evolution, education & more, and it's all connected 🧪 traces the intersectional awfulness on Scientific American
We Must Face Down the Expanding Anti-Reality Exposing the antiscience playbook reveals the antiregulatory motives of its deep-pocketed bankrollers
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I hope people understand that what we are seeing is the systematic destruction of the civil war amendments by the Supreme Court, which are what made America and actual democracy and upon which all minority rights in the United States rely
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This is true. It’s also really important to note that Peggy Noonan is not a journalist in the conventional and popular understanding of the term. She’s a speechwriter turned opinion writer. She’s not there to report facts; she’s there to gather grist for a conclusion that she has already reached.
Dead-on 100% right from — When reporters act like they don’t know something, they are lying to readers. Lying to readers is not journalism.
Why Are Mainstream Journalists Pretending Not to Understand How Press Contacts Work? Peter Baker's smarmy tweet takes the cake
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Subway philosopher is talking about how terrible the Earth is and that is why aliens don’t visit “too often”.
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This entry from a couple weeks ago is the most-viewed thing I've ever published in my newsletter, by a large margin. I've been a public critic of the New York Times for more than two decades; there's more anger at the paper from the left than I've ever seen.
The New York Times is a right-wing newsletter, with Trash newspaper does trash thing
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It's so wild that the NY Times is treated as the most serious paper of record in the country and it's run like the royal family, with weird little fuck-up princes pretending to do real people work for a bit before sliding into their hereditary leadership jobs
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I heard the Trump Bible removed Judges.
Trump-branded Bibles make a mockery of Christianity. Liberals assume MAGA doesn't get this. I disagree. I think MAGA loves Trump's contempt for the Bible. He gives them permission to redefine "Christianity" as a religion of hate, instead of Jesus' love.
Trump Bibles make a mockery of Christianity — which is why MAGA will eat them Faith without morality or theology, much less that
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