
On that note: Trans authors (I mean authors who are trans, NOT cis people who write about trans people), drop your book links here and I'll try to repost as many as I can throughout the day. Cis people: Repost trans authors' book links. Cis people who want to complain about being excluded: gtfo
Being a trans author is fucking weird right now. Hell is actively unfolding all around us but I still need to be like, "hey, everyone, wanna buy my silly little queer book? It won't make anything better, but it's kinda fun?" So....hey, everyone, wanna buy my silly little queer book?
My debut M/M Romance MERCY is available here! I'm a queer trans masc author. :)
A man is depicted in grayscale with shoulder-length black curly hair that sways as if in a breeze. His face is covered by two grabbing hands, and a stylized robe and halo covers all of his body except for a circular window showing his chest.
The halo has rings of gold, black, and white, patterened with stars, feathered wings, reptilian scales, and metallic shine, and the robe of the same colors is patterned with sunbeams, peacock feathers, gothic arches, silver beads, and linework reminiscent of Arabic calligraphy...
all in layers that flow and tumble over each other and glint as if reflecting an invisible light.
Gonna be honest staring at the cover for long enough to write that makes me want to read the book now
Ian’s and my mutual friends who’ve read the book all assure me it fucks, fwiw. I own it, but haven’t yet read it. I’m gonna, though.