
Serioousy? I'd rather have columnists who brought something other than lame right-wing talking points, and that actually made me think of something in a new way. Douthat has been at the NYT for 15 years. Stephens for 7. Brooks for 21. Friedman for 29. Krugman: 25. And still bringing it.
Almost everyone eventually deserves to be put out to pasture. Maybe Krugman is at that point. If he’s there long enough, Jamelle Bouie will reach that point.
Krugman makes you think of things in a new way? He surprises you and challenges your pre-existing beliefs? Then that’s great, he’s doing his job.
Yes. So why do you think he should be put out to pasture?
I’m neutral on the idea of term limits for newspaper columnists and am not pushing for anyone in particular to be put out pasture, just saying that “He’s had a column for too long” almost always means “I hated him from his first column.”
OK, I see I misinterpreted, and I'll agree with you on that one. Columnists who consistently write bad columns should not be given the prime real estate of the NYT, no matter how long they've been around.
I'm guessing that what Kevin meant was that people like Brooks and Kristof have been pumping out the same pablum for so long that they really do need to be "put out to pasture," for the simple reason that they are one-trick ponies who have never added much to the discourse.