
that the whole project is at serious and maybe fatal risk if trump is imprisoned or loses in the fall and that conservatives on the court have a duty to try to prevent that any way they can, through the most motivated reasoning they can conjure.
Genuinely curious what the hell john roberts was thinking
I think this is true *and yet* this is not the most careful decision of its type he could have crafted to look reasonable! I’d guess it’s the most careful one he could craft without the other five ditching him and going way further.
Barrett wanted to restrain them! Her concurrence is a lot more reasonable than what they went with!
barrett's the only one who has shown any inkling of an understanding that their current majority may not last forever
Even the most conservative woman knows not to trust Trump
I mean Alito and Thomas reasonably think they’ll be dead by the time they have to worry about anything
She knows she has the longest life expectancy of the bunch!(Sorry, I'm an actuary who couldn't stop myself from commenting.)