
we are two days away from july 4th and the NYT are opening the doors to autocratic monarchy because they hope they’ll get the good seats at court, washington would have had these fucking people shot
there is no dignity in this kind of pants-pissed begging, there is no integrity in this kind of cowardice in the face of fascism, this is not bravery nor character nor laudable, and if it fails, none of them will volunteer to slit their own bellies and die on their knees as they should
Friedman could talk to Biden whenever he wants, if he had real worries he could talk to him privately about it rather than getting a column out of it
like it's not clear whether these columnists understand the problem is not that they're worried about this stuff but that they make it a self-fulfilling prophecy if they write about it every single day. they act like they're just kvetching privately to their friends and not guiding public opinion
they know. of that, i am quite sure.
it's like when Sam Alito acts like people criticize his shit because they can't stand different opinions and not because he gets to proclaim what the laws everyone else has to live under are
don't worry, it can still happen
That guy in "1984" who loudly and elaborately defends the regime's every action with sophisticated logic? That guy who one day just disappears? Yeah, that guy.
In season 2 of Handmaid’s Tale (spoilers if you missed it 6 years ago), June is hidden in what used to be The Boston Globe’s offices, and there is blood everywhere. She can see the back wall where journalists were shot. I’ve been thinking of this every time the NYT’s been licking T’s ass since 2016.
*Well, tbf, I think this episode aired in 2018, so since then, at least.
Fucking hell. When you think they can't sink any lower...
Is this a serious society or is everyone just messing with me? I often wonder if I’m nuts!