
i deleted both those posts about trump allegedly raping a teenager at epstein’s place because i genuinely can’t tell exactly what the new news is. i *think* it’s that unsealed records contain messages that corroborate the allegations, but i cannot find a piece of trustworthy reporting explaining it
It doesn't matter anyway. His rapiness is baked in at this point. The people who like him don't care about that shit. All rape accusers are lying bitches, etc.
i think “raping a 13 year old” is in a different category than “raping his wife” and “raping an author”, but we’re talking degrees, not really differences in kind, i guess
"live boy or a dead girl" probably still holds for the GOP.
I'd agree. There's a reason why child predators get significantly more abused and brutalized by inmates than those who prey only on adults.
Oh it's absolutely seen as far worse! It is! I'm just saying the people who don't want to believe it will pretend they don't believe it. Same as it ever was.
There are also many who have bought the wild narrative that Trump is the champion of sex-trafficked children etc. because that’s what the vibes in their media/social circles say. If Trump’s actual attitudes and conduct vis-a-vis children pierced through a little, that could maybe shift some people?
Obviously many will just never believe it but many many people are just wildly uninformed and pick up vibes and hearsay from the ether
You'd hope. But I think the kinds of people who believe THAT sort of thing are hopelessly lost. Irredeemable. You could tell them Biden eats kids. (Some of them literally think that!)