
here's the other thing about this: i have no real power to determine this, and neither do you. but i would walk through hell barefoot and back again to vote for a democratic corpse before i'd ever consider a) not voting, or b) voting for donald trump. this matters to me, it should matter to you.
Basically where I am + actively resenting the press and rich donors
i fucking hate these people and want shawn fain to lead an annihilation campaign
Even from a pragmatic perspective, the changing-horses-midstream strategy doesn't make sense. Whether or not Harris is capable (and can find *her* potential VP in time), it conveys a lack of confidence, and would just be pounced upon by outlets and the Republicans.
i agree, though i'll note that biden dropping out of the campaign and dropping out of the presidency are two different things, and i think the latter is absolutely insane and am absolutely not recommending that.
Oh yeah, no, no that second part would be beyond daft. *Are* a few people actually inferring that?
yes, that was adam serwer's column this week.
Republicans & bad faith media are going to attack the Democrats regardless of what happens. Harris will of course be subjected to all the same slime and nonsense Biden is. Switching is a drastic measure, not taken lightly, but Biden's ability to campaign is seriously diminished. Desperate times.