
Jessica Chen Weiss
Jessica Chen Weiss
David M. Lampton Professor of China Studies SAIS Johns Hopkins, senior fellow Asia Society Center for China Analysis, previously Cornell, State Dept, Yale
Lowell West
Lowell West
Tennis enthusiast, Europhile, Astros fan. I know some things about bargaining, international political economy, international relations and applied statistics too.
🚀Control Systems Engineer🔥Autonomous cyber🚀physical systems🌟development enthusiast🌟🚀🌟
Liz Borkowski
Liz Borkowski
Public health researcher at George Washington University (Jacobs Institute of Women's Health), managing editor of Women's Health Issues. She/her, views are my own.
Amy Stell
Amy Stell
PhD Candidate at the Warner School of Education, University of Rochester

Educator, traveler, peacemaker, art lover, reading addict, thrifter, amateur chef, and lover of dogs.
Ian Anson
Ian Anson
Dad, husband, author, podcaster, political scientist at umbc, baltimore enthusiast
Benny Gee
Redhottake Ranch
Redhottake Ranch
Beat Operative. He/him. HeGetzUs.
Helen/Tina/Boob Punch
Helen/Tina/Boob Punch
"... but if sweetness can win, and it can, then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace."
Brooklyn educator. Always learning.

Movies, man.
Jonathan R
Jonathan R
Activist working for peace, democracy and justice.
A less corrupt government would be nice, too.
Trustee: Metropolitan College of NY
Organizer for http://MediaAndDemocracyProject.Org

Avatar: Liberty crying
Header: James Webb Tele. Photo
Josh Huder
Josh Huder
Political scientist posting mostly about Congress.
Chris Pepin-Neff 🏳️‍🌈
Chris Pepin-Neff 🏳️‍🌈
Political Scientist at the University of Sydney, Australia. Recovering U.S. lobbyist and Senate staffer. Research focuses on public policy and emotions, including LGBTQ+ politics 🏳️‍🌈 and shark bites 🦈 (they/them).
Cecil H.
Cecil H.
Lurker, mostly harmless.
Christy Sadler
Christy Sadler
Acquisitions editor for IR, comparative, and public affairs textbooks at CQ Press / Sage Publishing.
Skid Solo 🏁🏎️🍾
Skid Solo 🏁🏎️🍾
🇪🇺 🇺🇦 #NAFO #NAFOfellas #NAFOexpansion 🌻 #SlavaUkraini

“Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting.” SMcQ
Albert Sánchez-Gelabert
Albert Sánchez-Gelabert
Sociology | Postdoctoral researcher | UNED
Shamiran Mako
Shamiran Mako
Assistant professor of IR & polisci, Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University. Research interests: politics of state formation and colonial legacies, ethnic politics, governance in divided societies, institutions
Phil Dyess-Nugent
Phil Dyess-Nugent
Artist, dog-lover, and avid reader
Sandra T.
Sandra T.
Biochemist. Former Science Editor. „Ein Leben ohne Mops ist möglich aber sinnlos.“ 🐾 Currently in Michigan. She/her.
Pica pica
Pica pica
Here's a crazy idea: let's stop pretending that hierarchical power structures & economic/government institutions can be changed for the better; it's time to focus on mutual aid, solidarity, self-governance and to build something new together.
Adriel Thomas
Adriel Thomas
Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.
“He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it.”
― Douglas Adams
Dog lover
Stephanie Bolduc Mikesell
Stephanie Bolduc Mikesell
In the North Country. Formerly USFK, Soldier CCDC.
Wim Louw
Wim Louw
Data Scientist at City of Cape Town, South Africa.


Occasional posts at:
Paul G. Lewis
Paul G. Lewis
Urban politics & public policy researcher. Employed by, but do not in any way speak for, A large State University. 1st-gen college grad. New over here.
Alex Wallace
Alex Wallace
Writer at Hugo Award-winning blog Nerds of a Feather
Beth Sheffield
Beth Sheffield
just me 😄
James Fallows Tierney
James Fallows Tierney
Teach at Chicago-Kent College of Law (IIT), research financial markets regulation & law of capitalism. DSA Fund board. Phish dad.
I’ve got weasels on my face, a gloghack in my heart, and a run-on sentence in my brain.