Jonathan R

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Jonathan R

Activist working for peace, democracy and justice.
A less corrupt government would be nice, too.
Trustee: Metropolitan College of NY
Organizer for http://MediaAndDemocracyProject.Org

Avatar: Liberty crying
Header: James Webb Tele. Photo
TRUMP versus United States: Supreme Court case that made presidents immune. A fitting label for Trump's campaign.
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Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R
This cartoon has not been improved upon. August 29, 2016
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R
Some dude in a Seattle suburb saw three teens about to commit an armed robbery so he stepped in to stop them. Only problem was, they weren't armed and weren't planning a robbery. They were returning a BB gun to Big 5.
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R
And here’s how you can help by using paper straws and never washing your clothes
The ultra-wealthy will often take whole fleets of cars with them when they travel, loading vehicles, along with motorbikes and other toys, onto chartered cargo aircraft that follow their private jets. This is how they do it:
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R
"’s also a battle over the soul of our society, over the question of whether we can remain human, in the face of fear, in the face of trauma, whether we can make sure that we choose life over death, or we choose solidarity over hatred and starvation.”
‘Solidarity over hatred’: the small band of Israelis stopping settlers obstructing aid Peace activists confronting settlers who want to stop aid getting to Gaza acknowledge they are ‘a minority within a minority’
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R
Favor with Trump is my guess. Or getting the MAGA vote in 2028. Long shot for sure. She’s also just a cruel human being as well.
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R
Nikki Haley at Israel’s southern border, writing “FINISH THEM” on an IDF shell. A giddy schoolgirl sending a note to the children she’s about to murder. Grotesque beyond imagining.
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Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R
PSA: Don't grab a stranger's wheelchair. I was sitting in mine in the disabled section at the theater and other theatergoers kept grabbing my back handlebar en route to their own seats, like as public infrastructure. I am not a railing for strangers. I didn't expect how uncomfortable that'd be!
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press also says "The PRESS Act remains the strongest federal shield legislation proposed to date, and the Reporters Committee continues to support its passage into law." Ask your senators to support S 2074. 2/2
RCFP urges US Senate to pass PRESS The PRESS Act would shield journalists from the forced disclosure of newsgathering information.
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Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R
Pretty eye-opening new 'banking on climate chaos' report out today from the amazing team that does this analysis each year JP Morgan Chase, who were recently celebrated by carbon removal advocates for buying up tonnes, are #1 on the shitlist -->>
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A good piece: it doesn't matter whether projections of AI power demand are "catastrophic" or just "extremely high" - rising power demand raises a real and serious risk of missed climate goals and rising emissions
Opinion | Electricity Demand Is Surging. Let’s Not Fry the Planet in We need utilities to succeed now more than ever before. But the definition of success needs to evolve.
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Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R
Hochul telling the world she is wildly ignorant and out of touch with reality. This is a shameful.
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R
Journalists are under attack. There's a bill in the U.S. Senate to strengthen shield laws. If you think that's a good thing, please contact your senators. You Can Help Protect Journalists
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Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R
But his editor scrapped it, telling him the paper could not afford to defend Chinamen or outrage the SFPD. Twain quit & became a freelancer, a position which left him dead broke, houseless, & suicidal, but allowed him to write whatever he pleased. He chose mostly to criticize the SFPD. 3/
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In the Spring of 1864 Twain, while working as a beat reporter for the SF Morning Call, Twain witnessed the murder of a Chinese laborer by a mob that included cops. It radicalized him. He wrote it up, one of the first things he ever authored which he thought deserved to be called “literature”… 2/
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R
We kind of his the eclipse jackpot, the cloud made it so much more dramatic.
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R
Please sign our Open Letter To news organizations: “Urgent Need For Pro-Democracy 2024 Election Coverage” American media must advocate for democracy. We created guidelines for election coverage so that you can hold newsrooms accountable.
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Wish Trump could go before Otis Wright or a similar ass kicking judge
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R
If you live in AZ, CA, FL, MA, NV, NH, NY, SD, TN, TX, WA, or WY and have a simple tax situation, you can use Direct File today to do your taxes! Spread the word! Don't get scammed by TurboTax!
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R
Wow. Meta has blocked all links to the Kansas Reflector—the nonprofit newsroom that broke the story of the Marion County Record police raid—likely because they published a column this morning criticizing the platform's censorship of climate change-related ads.
Reposted byAvatar Jonathan R