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Owner of 1 dog, roommate to 2 cats, godfather to 1 bird.

Fan of Trek - old *and* new.

Currently obsessed with Lego.

Reads books - like, on actual paper. Mainly scifi.
yeah, uhm, no? That's not why it failed? It failed because it has no actual understanding, it simply said "conservatives pro-war, liberals anti-war," and has no concept of WHY these are usually the case, no concept that the motives of war matter, no actual understanding...
Real Zoolander, "But why male models?" energy here. I hear you slept through most of the trial, but surely your lawyers had a legal aid summarize the trial in your preferred bullet-point format for you each day?
Starting to make some headway with a dedicated space for working on Lego projects. Everything is a work in progress and still evolving, but it's finally starting to come together! Really want to find some shallow, letter-sized drawers... Details in comments.
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