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Owner of 1 dog, roommate to 2 cats, godfather to 1 bird.

Fan of Trek - old *and* new.

Currently obsessed with Lego.

Reads books - like, on actual paper. Mainly scifi.
Windmills drive down real estate value THAT much?! Wow, I support them even more than I already did, now!
NEW: I explain how a throwaway line about windmills in Project 2025 shows there's absolutely no way Trump wasn't directly involved in crafting the fascist plan.
According to Trump, based on no particular evidence, Biden may be taking performance-enhancing drugs. If there's drugs that make presidents better at being presidents, they should be mandatory for all presidents. Governing isn't a sport, it's a very important job.
with the Lego double-points thing starting, decided to go ahead and order the UCS AT-AT I'm planning to build after I tear down the UCS Falcon. I *may* have also impulsively bought the to-be-discontinued Mos Eisley and Landspeeder sets 👀
"People don't want to participate in polls, and when they do they often lie, so we tweaked the Lie-o-matic 9000 to pretend to be them by training it on their internet comments which are definitely 100% not lies." cool plan, bro.
Pollsters are simulating political surveys with AI because nobody answers the phone: "The big difference between humans and AI agents is that the AI agents always pick up the phone..."
Using AI for Political Polling – Ash
This week I plan to start reverse-assembling my UCS Millennium Falcon, going through the manual in reverse and re-bagging the pieces in something close to the original packaging. Will be exhaustively photo-documenting the process as I go. Then time to find it a new home, and buy myself the UCS AT-AT
Real Zoolander, "But why male models?" energy here. I hear you slept through most of the trial, but surely your lawyers had a legal aid summarize the trial in your preferred bullet-point format for you each day?
Starting to make some headway with a dedicated space for working on Lego projects. Everything is a work in progress and still evolving, but it's finally starting to come together! Really want to find some shallow, letter-sized drawers... Details in comments.
Sometimes I'm sad that I came so late to Lego Modular City kits - so many old sets I'd have to pay out the nose for now! But I'm coming to think it's a good thing - it's encouraged me to be creative, instead. Working on a custom build with a Chinese restaurant on the ground floor and offices above.
During that era, I told a (first) date one time that I was a bit of a nerd. She responded by gasping and saying "No you're not! Never say that about yourself! You seem really cool!" And I knew right then it would not work out between us. 😆
Nerd culture in the early 2010s was a weird time, I remember the time I talked to a guy who had recently graduated from MIT at a party and told him my dad was an engineer too, and, you know, I’m something of a nerd myself, and he DREW OUT A LOGIC PUZZLE for me to solve and said “Prove it.”
Reposted byAvatar Gopher
“‘I meant,’ said Ipslore bitterly, ‘what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?’ Death thought about it. CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.” - Terry Pratchett, Sourcery
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