
I'm trying to get K to go swimming but it's July 4th and his least favorite day. If I get him out, we'll have to return by 7 PM or the first loud firework he hears to bunker down in the living room with ear defenders.
Hopefully the street fireworks end by 11 PM, because last year there were loud pops until 2 AM.
I was woken up by a loud firework just after midnight last night. Sounded like a cannon going off!
Yeah. It doesn't help that NJ made fireworks legal, so now we get neighbors setting off the big ones you can see a town away.
Anything that leaves the ground is illegal in CO. But 9News just did a story yesterday about all the people who go over the border to WY to buy EVERYTHING and then bring it home because the enforcement is practically nil.
Same here with NY. Having a state where fireworks are illegal next to a state that allows them, is like trying to ban bird shit at your house when you live next to the yard with a dozen bird feeders.