🏳️‍🌈Gosh Darnit of the New Jersey Darnits😷

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🏳️‍🌈Gosh Darnit of the New Jersey Darnits😷


parent. internet crank. autistic. future ghost. artist when my kid gets distracted. I may own 80 Cats in a Dog Suit. they/them.
After discussing my case w/ a colleague working with Auditory Processing Disorder clients, my doctor changed from a Sonic Enchant to an Oticon miniRITE R. I have demo pictures to show the size. I'm getting the rechargeable with the overnight desktop charger. Later I can get a travel pod charger.
For those who don't know this story, which I first shared six years ago today.... This one time I got my days wrong at work and ended up alone in a room with my boss and the President of Ireland while I was on ketamine. 🧵
french knots on the prowl
I am glad this piece about the Heritage Foundation threatening civil war if the left doesn’t accept a monarchy came out in the WaPo. More like this, please.
“I have nothing to do with them, including the multiple Project 2025 guys who worked in my administration and the one working on the party platform” newrepublic.com/article/1834...
The ramped-up hits on Project 2025 must be landing — Trump just shoved it right in front of the bus
Listen Closely to the Men Crafting the GOP’s Anti-Abortion Policynewrepublic.com The main dispute within Trump’s Republican Party is not about how severely to punish women for having abortions, but merely how to “frame the argument.”
I just confirmed with my bank my debit card purchase level since I'm spending $3000 in one go. Everything is set for 1 PM. I'm practically vibrating. I asked, "What," so many times on the call and when I said I'm ordering hearing aids she got excited for me too.
If I had a nickel for every time David Tennant took down a Prime Minister, I'd only have fifteen cents. But it's still weird it happened three times.
I miss 80s and early 90s movies that weren't bad or good, just meh. But slowly built a cult following, became the staple Saturday late morning movie when they ran out of old Godzillas, or showed up on things like USA's Up All Night theater.
A ton of people in the U.S. use mobility aids (I use a rollator sometimes) and the number of people who have loved ones who use them has gotta be huge. Hoping this blatant ableism doesn’t fly with people.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
never forget the usa today “heatwave” infographic
Agent K sat on the couch pressed to my side and wearing ear defenders until just before 10 PM. Then the melatonin kicked in and he took himself and his cat to bed.
Listen I'm just a gay, mentally ill enough to want the Froot Loops Crocs. The heart wants what the heart wants.
I had to delete our Door Dash shift because K got paler as 5 PM approached, and at 4 PM he started vomiting. So we're just gonna bunker down until July 4th passes. It sucks to take the financial hit, but I can't terrorize my kid.
Whelp K is bunkered and not budging. I told him I can't give up the $50 I make a night with food delivery, especially on a night when pizzas will be huge. But I promised to have him home for 7 PM. If I didn't need the money for the weekend, I'd stay home.
I'm trying to get K to go swimming but it's July 4th and his least favorite day. If I get him out, we'll have to return by 7 PM or the first loud firework he hears to bunker down in the living room with ear defenders.
If you introduce me to someone and I nod and quick bow my head rather than shake their hand, it's because every part of my pattern recognition flashed DANGER all at once.
cxonvinced that the media ratfucking is because they personally fear that if Trump comes in, the immunity power will be used against those who didnt bend the knee hard enough and they know the Dem will do nothing of the sort, the sort of pathetic, spineless capitulation that you would expect of them
I'm so excited, the appointment for the final options like color on my hearing aids will be Friday after lunch!
Car has gas, I just dumped 4 quarts of oil in, added brake fluid, and washer fluid. Waiting for the car to cool another 15-20 minutes before I add coolant. It's in desperate need of an oil change, but this is what I can afford to do right now.
If everyone liking the BET Project 2025 post had chipped in $5, I'd have my hearing aids. 😐
Agent K loved The Lorax and all the songs, bopping around in his seat. We watched all the trailers and he's decided he wants to see: Moana 2, Wild Robot, and Despicable Me 4.
When Democrats fantasize about unopposed power, they talk about giving everyone healthcare, education, childcare, civil rights, and a clean environment. When Republicans fantasize about unopposed power, they talk about killing literally everyone on earth. They are not the same.
For about 15 minutes around 8 PM EST, Door Dash shit the bed.
Whelp I turned to my ex and he's going to talk to his SotAL group about possibly fundraising for my hearing aids. I'm sure this won't backfire in my face or get held over me at all. 🤡
shit can being president even absolve you of crimes you committed before you were president
Breaking News: Manhattan prosecutors agreed to delay Donald Trump’s criminal sentencing to weigh whether the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity should void his felony conviction for covering up hush money paid to a porn star.
Manhattan Prosecutors Agree to Delay Trump’s Sentencingwww.nytimes.com Donald J. Trump’s lawyers want to argue that a Supreme Court decision giving presidents immunity for official acts should void his felony conviction for covering up hush money paid to a porn star.