
I keep thinking that what’s happening with Biden now will get more people to realize how fucked 2016 was, but instead I just want to gouge my eyes out as people act like beating Trump is super easy
The fact that qualified, capable candidates with normal flaws are having trouble with a gold-plated tin pot dictator and convicted felon is not a reflection on the candidates; it is a reflection on the electorate. White people are outrageously racist. That’s it. A smidge less racism and we’d win.
white people refuse to learn a single thing about white people
And yet we keep trying to tell them about themselves for their own good
ikr? like, damn near every single one of them has family they can’t even share a holiday meal with! y’all don’t think that adds up??? 😩
I have an essay in my head (too long for a few skeets, alas) about how racism has gotten more entrenched among white Americans in the post-civil rights era, partly due to the polarization of views on racism vs. anti-racism within the white population... 1/x
...and partly due to the dissolution of "anti-miscegenation" and other laws meant to support what might be called the "conservation of whiteness". One of my hypotheses is that after Loving vs. Virginia, anti-racists whites were more likely to marry and have children "outside their race",... 2/x
...while racist whites stuck to spouses of their own color, therefore white children born in this country in the last 50 years or so are more likely to be exposed to racist worldviews from their own parents (and likely other family members). 3/x
Let's not forget that we're also significantly more sexist than we think.
And the media. The media are trying to take down the old guy but the felon
Everyone points to Bush v.2 as the day our country was proven at its worst. But, I say that when America didn't elect Mike Dukakis, we were screwed. The man is basically a public servant saint; I've personally seen him pick up litter on his walk to work! Imagine rejecting someone like that...