dr. nova

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dr. nova


PharmD💊RPh || Space Witch💫 || beauty💋💅🏾 || Anime || BL Manga || 🇹🇹 1st Gen || 日本語🆗
we did it before we’ll do it again
Thousands in the streets of Paris celebrating and cheering “no pasaran” or "They will not pass” as the far right falls out n France’s election. Just absolutely amazing scenes tonight across France as they fight the fascists back. Now it’s our time to be brave and come together to for a united front.
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They’re telling you how they’re going to go after Harris once they’ve removed Biden from the ticket
Subtle. Very subtle.
embarrassing lmao
Two attendees with an anarchist flag hijacked the panel and flashed their breasts to the audience before being taken away by security. I've never seen anything like this at an anime con! Tatsuru and Kawa-D took it in stride, cracked jokes about it being a hazing for Kawa-D.
tbh the UK was really the most unnerving border control experience I’ve ever had
nothing is funnier than the officials at Heathrow giving attitude to people from Asia" how do I know you'll leave when your visa expires" because nobody wants to stay on your gutted island with broken universities, booming unemployment, no housing, shite weather, and food that kills zombies
what if I order myself a little pizza as a treat
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Just…so we’re all clear: This isn’t politics this is suicidal ideation, and if you’re thinking like this you should talk to a psychiatrist.
NYT terrorizing foreign countries now yikes
The ability to consistently have the worst possible framing is incredible.
omg what a cutie 😭
Sitting at my desk working and hear a big splash in the pool and I know who it is! I hope he wasn't too freaked out by all of the fireworks last night, poor big buddy.
"Six Schizophrenic Brothers" on MAX was really good; terrifying yet fascinating. I'm gonna have to read the book it's based on now.
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I don’t know how to explain to our nation’s top editorial boards that the Democratic Party is an actual organization with a lot of rules and history to it, not just a store that distributes team jerseys, and it has already selected delegates to its nominating convention.
Cannot emphasize enough how pathetic these editorial boards are revealing themselves to be.
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just watched 74 people speaking at least a dozen different languages become american citizens in a ceremony at monticello, where the speakers were themselves children of immigrants. inspiring stuff and a vivid illustration of what reactionaries want to snuff out
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On this July 4, please pause to remember that one of the colonists’ complaints in the Declaration was that the Crown was paying its judges.
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Assawoman Bay, Maryland. affectionately called Big Assawoman Bay to differentiate it from Little Assawoman Bay
What are the funniest location names near you? This question brought to you by Cape Disappointment and Deception Bay in Washington.
anyway I wrote letters to my senators and congressman. might even send ones using my grandma's address in New York so I can yell at Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer
I love my tumblr timeline because it’s a healthy mix of “we’re not ceding to fascism” and “I would like to lick Manny Jacinto” this place could use that same energy
enduring invectives against my very existence in exchange for swing voters feeling ~icky~ enough to do what's right. sounds like a great time
Republicans have spent the last 4 years getting a lot more openly racist so if Kamala is the nominee she’s going to bait them into saying a lot of really nasty stuff that turns off swing voters
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Everyone is always afraid to say why people like Trump or Marie Le Pen have some level of popularity and it’s just that there’s a lot of people in the world who believe in racism. You end up with these goofy ass explanations for Trump where it’s NAFTA or shit and it’s like no you know what it is
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Doomer shit is un-American as fuck. Sorry. Factual. This country didn't even consider me a fucking person for half its existence, and the Supreme Court declared Black ppl didn't qualify as US citizens TWICE.
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Respectfully: If you're on Bluesky right now screaming that Pride Month will be abolished, Trump will be declared king, America is forever ruined: Log off. You are entitled to your feelings, and it's better to let them out than not. But *Do Not Do Death Magic On The Emotional Contagion App.*
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This is the truly issue that sets Bluesky apart from other social media platforms. A bunch of people who were resentful about being losers their entire lives got their first crumb of clout on here at age 35 and lost their damn minds
also i love how we always get back to like “cut out the high school shit” like this place wouldn’t be a 1000x better if the most popular users had been popular in hs like at least some of y’all motherfuckers might act like you’ve been here before
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Well, this is one way to tilt against the 'bah, he's barely awake after 4' scuttlebutt.
President Biden will deliver remarks on the Supreme Court's immunity decision tonight at 7:45 p.m. ET www.whitehouse.gov/live/
I gotta log off bluesky a while. I can’t resist involving myself in boring ass discussions. I’ll come back after I get off the beach, happy 4th everyone
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"no, I'm not related to Trent, but I am a big industrial fan"
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bracing myself for when the omegaverse community gets a hold of this lmao
they keep inventing new guys
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NYT: Joe should quit, he stutters Philly Inquirer: Trump is a fucking criminal what the fuck are we doing here
God Bless Paul Davies and the @PhillyInquirer: "The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump...There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be."
To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Boardwww.inquirer.com Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.
i’m so tired
There have been many attempts to explain why rural Americans consistently vote for Republicans. The scathing response to a new, best-selling book shows how a tightknit group of scholars are clamoring for more empathetic political analyses of rural Americans.
How ‘Rural Studies’ Is Thinking About the Heartlandnyti.ms What’s the matter with America’s rural voters? Many scholars believe that the question itself is the problem.