
i am about to mute the word panic, this kind of screamy baby shit is embarrassing, if you are either an amateur or professional politics nerd, you know better than to cry yourself into a hysteria about one debate in fucking june
if you actually get *paid* to write about politics for a living, screaming that the nominee has to drop out after one bad debate *in june* (and one in which the challenger did not do well, either), you are unqualified for your job and your salary
In what kind of world do you “win” a debate by spreading nonstop lies for ~2 hours?
This one. Language is about persuasion, not about getting to the truth. Always has been
I was commenting on supposed journalists saying a compulsive liar won a debate. Journalists at one time used to be concerned with the truth. But perhaps I shouldn’t consider NYTimes opinion people journalists.
. had no problem saying no one won the debate. We all lost.