
I'm glad more people are saying this. My main takeaway from the debate is that Biden really needs a different strategy; one that leans into his strength off the cuff and when he's a little emotional. A rote list of talking points isn't the answer to a firehose of Trump lies.
Couldn’t even do that! Argued about their golf scores. I think Biden is the best choice and not cuz I love him. his advisors need to get their shit together and stop trying to script him. Give him questions and let him answer how he would naturally bc when he does that he gets a little angry
People have always responded to him most positively when he's passionate and pissed off
Yep! Stuff like "Trump isn't an economist, he's a dope who thinks other countries pay our tariffs. Flash news, genius—American taxpayers pay tariffs out of our own pockets. But what would you expect from a guy who bankrupted his own casinoes and runs two sets of books?"