
Two things: 1) If I were trying to sabotage any momentum coming out of this, I'd direct you away from the election and into, I cannot believe this, building a parallel government 2) An authoritarian regime will just dismantle this, and probably shoot you, if it comes near challenging them
Or, again (I can't believe I have to keep saying this) just WRITE FANFICTION. Or just a plain old dystopian thriller, get this stuff out of your system. You'll have more fun!
But of course I haven't googled "dual power" yet. So I guess I'm just ignorant.
Yeah I should have Googled that BEFORE responding.
Okay I did and lol holy shit. It's a real "and what happened THEN??" moment.
And hey, I'm a Mike Duncan guy! I should know my Russian Revolution trivia. Just didn't remember. And damn, I can't imagine idealizing ANY of it. Just a constant parade of horrors.
To be fair, this is certainly not all the Bolsheviks' fault! World War I sucked! The Tsarist regime sucked! Living in Russia has sucked for most of history! For heaven's sake don't compare anything in your own country to THAT place and time.
I think there should be a moratorium on comparisons to the Russian Revolution that hand-wave away the fact that Germany had mostly wrecked the Russian army by the time it happened.