
Overhead as a woman in a car stopped to let pedestrians cross: "Walk, don't run! You have the right of way!" More of this and less of everything else.
Yep whenever a pedestrian thanks me for letting them cross the road it feels like a systemic failure of infrastructure. Nobody should have to hurry or feel grateful they are safe.
I truly believe we need to normalize not thanking cars but we're not there yet.
I hate it when I’m on the bike. Someone waves me on even if it’s their turn. Sometimes I can’t see their face so I am not sure if it’s safe to go. They get mad. Don’t do me a favor. Everybody just take our turn.
Following rules keeps everyone safe.
But that requires drivers to acknowledge bikes are road users with rights equal to theirs, and we know that’s a big ask.
Today a car stopped at their green light on a two-lane, one-way street and waved my son to cross against the pedestrian signal. This is just plain dangerous to do they are a nice person? I shook my head and pointed at their green light. So dumb.
Oh my god. Completely unnecessary and condescending. Not to mention dangerous.
I have no problems acknowledging someone who is even in the slightest way looking out for me. Sure if EVERYONE stopped it might be weird to thank them but not thanking them is not the way to get there
No, I agree, and that's what I mean by we're not there yet. Like in an ideal world it would just be so normalized. But at the end of the day it is courtesy and I usually give a little wave or nod.
I'm too tired tonight to get into any of my Life as a Pedestrian rants but I walk 5-7 miles a day around Cambridge and I have things to say (when I'm not tired).