Blues Traveler #1 Fan

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Blues Traveler #1 Fan

But I want more than a touch I want you to reach me
And show me all the things no one else can see

~John Popper from Blues Traveler
People are CALLING for Biden to resign yet none of them are CALLING their grandparents to say they love them. Very sad.
If Jesus returned today he would probably be really impressed with TikTok. "What a fun way to share videos" he would say.
If this flag offends you, I'll help you pack
Jardiance commercials explain jardiance may inflame the perineum and then have to explain what the perineum is.
Things are going well for me and I'm very happy
If they can arrest trump for fraud they can arrest you for driving drunk while listening to Steely Dan! Madness!!!!
My world is so twisted that Friday is the only day I don't dress casually 😈
The Beatles were really into something when they said "here comes the sun". Love the sun ☀️😎
George W Bush: IM GOING TO TAKE YOUR RIGHTS!!! Me: not so fast bucko!
If Sirhan Sirhan and Oswald were worse shots we'd have a punk band called the Alive Kennedys
0. Me 1. Adolf Hitler Jr. 2. Hitler
Taking this prompt from Twitter because I think it's fun: How many handshakes does it take for you to get to Hitler? 0. me 1. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd 2. Elizabeth II 3. Edward VIII 4. Hitler
Steve Albini died which sucks but he also spoke poorly of Steely Dan which also sucks. A day for reflection...
They should make a Jesus for people who want to go to heaven but don't want to deal with all the requirements.
Loser talk from Appalachian heads. Rockies all the way! Taller is better.
I think about them that way after reading this tumblr post that has really stuck with me!
Three blind men came upon an elephant. The first one felt the animal's trunk and said "oh fuck this is an elephant. Hell yeah! Wow what a great day!"
People trying to eulogize OJ: OJ was a man. Also OJ was a football player. When a man dies, it is sad. All of us will die one day. In this case it is OJ who has done so.
Imagine if you didn't know a total eclipse was happening in your area today
Carl Sagan said to make an apple pie from scratch you must first invent the universe but I just made apple pie and easily skipped that step
My deepest darkest secret is at my core I'm a bit of a rapscallion
If you think April fools day is a time to cruelly prank your friends, you're right! Give someone a swirly. Throw firecrackers at someone. It's legal today.
It's a pretty good feeling that when I die maybe only a person or two will celebrate my death on social media.
He Sticks Out His Tongue, by Jean-Jacques Lequeu, late 18th/early 19th c, 📸 by @NwachukwuTim
A lot of people say the world has gotten worse and I'll can say is steely Dan hasn't released an album since 2003. Thank god for Blues Traveler or we'd be done as a species.
David lynch made a sequel to dune (1984)?!?? Hell yeah
Instead of leap days we should just make the 28th 48 hours long every four years.
Keep grinding brother!
#SundayMotivation देखिए कलयुग के इतने वर्ष बीतने के बाद शुरू हुआ कबीर जी का 13वां पंथ ! अधिक जानकारी के लिए देखिए साधना चैनल शाम 7:30 से! और फ्री पुस्तक के लिए 👉 +91 7496 801825 Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj ji 🌏
I got an $600,000 bonus because my boss said "I'm too cool for skool"
i think everyone should post their Ws today
Patrick Mahomes solidifies himself as a top 25 qb OF ALL TIME!!!