
To repeat what I wrote a few days ago: if the undaunted sorriness of the Times this cycle doesn't convince at least a funder or two of the need to scale up a Democratic partisan press, nothing ever will.
the New York Times has descended into total nihilism; it doesn't give a damn about the truth, only about damaging Democrats and helping Trump. So it presents a video it acknowledges to be misleadingly edited as evidence for its thesis.
The below, yes — and the clear-eyed commitment to build a partisan press that permits Dems to both (a) deliver unmolested messages to voters, and (b) tell the Dash Sulzbergers of the world to sod off.
Pretty clear that the democratic party has to either figure out a way to stop AG Sulzberger's temper-tantrum ratfuck or develop the grit to power through it
(* less molested messages, anyway) (** seriously, Dash represents the same sort of petty-tyrant chieftainship as Trump — he inherited a business through accident of birth, showing no particular talent on the way, and presumes his inheritance grants him special wisdom to lord over the rest of us.)
“There is no way to convince the public, because the people who he needs to convince to do that (the media) are never going to [go along]”: mm-hm. This is the problem in a nutshell. Either Dem allies build a partisan press, or having “no way to convince the public” will hobble the party.
the media, led by the Times, has done to Biden what they did to Claudine Gay at Harvard there is no way to convince the public, because the people who he needs to convince to do that (the media) are never going to tell the public that he’s fine I think dropping out is a when, not if at this point